I was wondering, if the cops were banging at your door with a warrant, does anyone have any ideas of somehow getting rid of/hiding your shit so they wouldn't see it? Im talking about like a 2ft plant, something you couldnt flush down the toilet.
why would you have a 2ft plant in the open anyway. Have things that are'nt easily disposable in good hiding spots just in case situations like this occur ya digg
I'd probably cut it down, wrap it up or do something to clog the smell, and hide it behind somewhere they probably won't look..for me, it'd be in my drawer under some clothes or under my mattress or something. At least I don't think they'd look in these places, idk.
If they are at the door with a warrent your pretty much fucked because you got about 10 seconds before they break the door down
Bahaha. The first thing he does after hearing, "Open up it's the Police", is run to his PC and ask Grasscity what to do with the 2ft plant in the corner.
If you flush the toilet, turn on the garbage disposal, or make any sudden noises, it's considered "exigent circumstances" and they're allowed to bust the door down and proceed with the search. Calmly and quietly cut it down and chuck it out the window, but do it as quickly as humanly possible.
jump out that back window and run for your life. if they already got you surrounded you are fucked. not a fun thing, or you better have a bomb shelter in the back yard hidden pretty well.. and be convincing enough to cops that you don't know whats going on =P
Just hope they dont have cops watching the back of the house and they might add another charge for destroying evidence. You pretty much screwed yourself somewhere if it gets to the point where they have a search warrant
Oh ohh I thought of a good one... Put a t-shirt on it and a trucker cap and some ray bans... I guess she needs sweats too... It's worth a shot.
be creative make some sort of sectret compartment. like cut a hole in the sheet rock in your wall and put a picture or poster over it. or somthing along those lines. I have watched tons of cops and swat shows just to get ideas. hope that helps.