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wave of emotion

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. picked up some real nice dank yesterday. took a few hits of it, and got pretty high. all of a sudden, a rush of emotion flowed over me, i was deeply thinking about my family and how much i love them even though i may not show it. i was listening to atmosphere's GodlovesUgly CD, and the lyrics or something really hit me. Anybody ever feel like this?
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  2. You were just really high. Happens to me every once in awhile.
  3. #3 WeedBratton, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Yeah except my emotions don't turn me into a pussy.

    No need to be disrespectful, man. -JD
  4. I wish that stil lhappened to me, but i guess that means a t-break.

    Enjoy it, i personally like that :smilie:.

    Fun fact of the day, i've recently discovered smileys. I lied i broke it.
  5. Whenever I get into a depresso-introspective state, thoughts like that are common.
  6. Way to go man, I hope belittling others boosts your self esteem.

    In regards to OP, thats dope, emotions are one of my favorite chemical signals in the brain.

    edit: I reported that comment *****

  7. Right, cause feeling love for the people you surround yourself with makes you a pussy.. :rolleyes:

    OP, totally normal, has happened to me before.
  8. I've had that happen before, makes me feel good
  9. Not nice. I hate peoples perception on things and society itself.

    Him thinking about how much he loves his family makes him a pussy :(?

    This makes me sad.

    OP, keep enjoying the herb and all it brings to you :)
  10. All the time man, smoking weed reminds me of being young and trashing house parties, getting recked and chasing girls, waking up on somones couch and start drinking again, experimenting with other drugs and all the human drama of people growing up.

    and I miss it, but I was lucky to have a group of 4 of the best mates anyone could have to go through it all with. However we now all have our own shit to do, one moved to Poland with his gf, one is going to uni to do a chemistry degree, I still see one of them alot and one hung himself the stupid fuck. I went through so much with these people so many good times. So much mischief had and all while getting high we all met through getting high so I guess I attach those memories to weed. I still enjoy smoking but miss that group of people and the things we did. and part of me thinks "that was the best time you will ever have in your life"

    Sorry if that sounds a bit whiney but this feeling has been building for a while now and I realy needed to vent. Fuck this im going for a joint.
  11. i know how that feels op!

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