Watering seedlings?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by TheApprentice, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. I have a few seeds that i just got dropped into clay pellets and are just peeking out. I have air stone in my res where the water level is an inch below my netpots. The clay pellets are wet but should I water them at all? If so how often? Thanks!
  2. You can, it doesn't necessarily hurt. Just make sure to keep water accessible to your seedling. If it dries out, it'll die for sure.

    Good to see another Ohio grower. I'm on the opposite side of the state near Cleveland!
  3. Yeah for sure! Have you ever used fox farms trio before? I am thinking of adding the grow big nute. But they haven't even got leafs yet so I don't know if its to early.
  4. You can get away with a leaf set or two before adding nutrients.

    I personally stick to single part nutrient formulas like CNS17, Flora Nova, or Dyna-gro. I don't like dealing with ratios or anything like that, I prefer something that's simple. I use CNS 17 and love it. The only downside is that it needs to be mixed really well, or you'll get salt buildups. It's such a thick formula. I just throw a small pump into a bucket and circulate it for an hour or two before use. Plus, it's cheap.

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