watering schedule ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HULK GROWWW, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Been watering plants as needed ... kept a close eye for signs of over/under watering ... plants seem
    Healthy.  Just wondering if a watering schedule should better the plant in any way. I'm looking for best
    possible results.
    I have been feeding 100-150 ml of my water/nutrient solution twice a week and spray watering 3 times
    a week leaving two dry days  (all to simulate the more rain filled environment summer brings)
    The only thing I haven't done is coordinate which days a week I do so.
    Does this matter to the plant?

  2. #2 lFourTwenty, Apr 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2014
    You don't have to keep a set schedule written down on a calendar..I mean you can remember when you watered or fed right?
    If you can't remember when you watered or fed, snag a free calendar from a store, and just write it down on the days you water or feed
    You referenced simulating nature..nature doesn't keep a watering schedule lol
  3. Yeah, no schedule is needed. The one thing I did when I grew in soil was keep up with when I fed her and what nutes and what strength. That way I knew I fed on the last watering and to not feed with the next one. Other than that, no schedule needed. Water when she needs it. She'll tell you.

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