Watering outdoor

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by greenterror, May 1, 2011.

  1. I'm interested in starting my grow soon but I haven't decided what to do for watering. The location has a creek pretty far away so I don't really want to transport water. I'd rather not build an irrigation system if I can.

    In my location we get about 4.0-4.3 inches of rain monthly. Is this enough to grow healthy plants without extra watering? If not, what cost-efficient options do I have?

    Thanks for any help! :smoke:

    Edit: I want to make a grow that requires the least amount of tending, my plot is sort of a bitch to get to.
  2. just like some sneakily hidden milk jugs somewhere near the stream, really not much else you can do, i've really only had to water like twice in the last couple weeks though, so really not such a huge bitch... been rainy
  3. I did the calculation that 4.0" of rain x 3'x3' area around plant = 85 liters of water/month. Does this seem like a sufficient amount of water?

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