Watering in a simple CFL and soil grow from germination on.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by chunkydunkk, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hi all, this is my first post on my first grow 3 days in, I have been trying to learn for several months but still have time finding information from time to time. One thread I feel I haven't been able to find easily/ a concept I'm not grasping well is watering. I have found vague guidelines but not set rules. It would be nice to have a more defined " do this between germination and sprouting," "do this when just sprouted," "do this when vegging..." so forth. If anyone has any suggestions or even justy tell me methods that are or have worked for you in the past it would save me and I'm sure a few other fledgling growers a lot of hair pulling. Thanks again everyone, I'm eager to learn and enjoy this awesome little plant.
  2. For seedling, vegging, and flowering: water thoroughly when you do water, until you get good runoff, then don't water at all until the soil dries out. That info is all over the place here, man.

  3. No need to get sassy. I mean, trust me I have looked, I was asking because I was looking for a more defined schedule or system for watering. There are plenty of rules of thumb like "top inch is dry" "top three inches are dry" etc... But I haven't been able to find anything more concrete than that.

    Sorry for being "that guy who asks the dumb question, haven't proven to myself that I even have a green thumb yet I suppose.
  4. I have the same questions too. Some people are more helpful than others. I guess the guy did answer the question, kinda. I wish I could help. Still trying to get my seeds to germ. Lame.:cool:
  5. That isn't "kinda" the answer, that is the answer. There are not separate rules of thumb for watering at different stages of the plant's life. The plant may have different watering needs during it's life -- so it may take more water each time as it gets bigger and may go longer or shorter between waterings -- but it's the same one rule.

  6. ^^^^^^THAT^^^^^^

    There is no calendar or schedule where watering is involved. You water the plant when when it needs it, NOT when YOU think it needs it.

    Water to saturation/run off. Allow to dry. That's it. Might take 3 days, might take 6, depends, but that's all there is to it.

  7. cheers. needed no that me self

  8. Thank you, that was essentially my original question, is there a set science, is it an always varying time frame but you use the same clues, or is everyone just pouring water on their plants whenever they feel like it in whatever amount? That was very helpful, I suppose soil isn't a super exact science--unlike some other grow mediums.


  9. Don't get upset toasty. There is a nice way to answer questions.

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