Watering Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by cats21, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. So im all new to this growing stuff. How much water should I use to feed my plant at a time, like how will i know ive given enough water to the plant each time. I know to water it when the soil starts to get dry on top, but I dont know how much water I need to use each time please help!
  2. It's going to depend a lot on the bucket size. A good way to determine when to water is to pick up your bucket dry and then wet you will be able to feel if it needs water. Also you can stick your figure about an inch down in the soil if it feels dry water it then. Look for a small amount of drainage then ur good.

  3. thanks, so wait i keep adding water until i get a little drainage? also how much water should I add the very first week or 2?
  4. First 2 weeks won't take much at all maybe a cup or so I water til I see some drainage and then back off on the water a little the idea is to water good so the roots grow deep then you want to let it dry out before you water again. However don't let it get so dry it kill your grow if you see the plant looking dropped then water. You will see the pattern
  5. Also a good idea is to make a journal of ur progress.. when you water and when you feed that sort of thing it will help out a bunch especially when u get into flowering as then it will take a lot more watering more frequently hope this helps
  6. water until u see 10% runoff at the bottom of the pot roots grow deep then outward
  7. ditto ^ 1/2 gal every 3-4 days or when they feel light will get my 4 gal pots to runoff. do it like that u dont need to worry about over watering. u over do it when u water a little at a time 2 many times
  8. thanks guys. so water until i see some run off and ill be good?

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