I tried one for the first time yesterday. They are amazing needless to say, one hit got me ripped more than I can even describe. Total fucking displacement from reality. Usually it takes 3-4 hits to get me that high. 12 hours later, i'm still buzzed. it's crazy what this thing can do. i think what makes it so effective is unlike a traditional bong, joint or pipe you have the option of taking the entire contents of the hit in one go instantaneously rather than a progressive inhale as when you're lighting a bowl or smoking an l. Then I proceeded to watch the big lebowski. God that movie is amazing when you're baked I recommend everyone to try it at least once, if it's not your thing there's always some other crazy way to get blitzed Edit: Any tokers care to share their experiences?
I tried this the other day and i put about .4 grams of mids in it and i have never been that high ever. The smoke in the bottle was so thick i took about 3 hits before it was clear. It was insane I felt like i was in a different dimension and life was in third person. It was crazy.
I felt exactly the same way while watching said movie, i became the camera, if that makes any sense lol. i felt like i was there in every single scene just watching in real time and in person as the completely random and ridiculously hilarious events unfolded
Well i can't really comment on your inconveniences, but maybe try taking smaller hits? Less weed = less time to burn etc...
Gravity bongs are good for when your really low on bud, but they really do loose thier "punch" after a while. Eventually its just like smoking out of anything else. If your not careful and get too big of a hit, your in cough ville.
Agreed. I owned one of these a while ago and the smoke goes stale quite often. Its definetly a cool piece, just a bit ineffective for the cost and extremely fragile. Also, I noticed the mouthpiece gets clogged with resin pretty regularly when smoking Dank.
I have to disagree my buds and i have used gravity bongs multiples times daily for over a year and a half and we still get super baked every time. There very convenient if you only have like 5 minutes to smoke.
ihave agrav bong a 16 ozwater bottle, maybe 20 oz inside of a 2 liter with tape on the outsidefor support, weak plastic. the bottom isnot completely cut off though. there are only holes. unfortunatly in the shape of a smiley face. but none the less, it is a very effective grav/waterfall bong. better then cutting the bottom completely off thats for sure.
ihave agrav bong a 16 ozwater bottle, maybe 20 oz inside of a 2 liter with tape on the outsidefor support, weak plastic. the bottom isnot completely cut off though. there are only holes. unfortunatly in the shape of a smiley face. but none the less, it is a very effective grav/waterfall bong. better then cutting the bottom completely off thats for sure. im bout to hit mine now actually, shit
This is exactly my experience too....after using a smartwater waterfall as my DD for a few weeks....it just stopped doing the job. I don't want to hear "T-break" either....cuz hitting either the bong or spoon still worked like a charm; after doing a bottle rip though, I wouldn't even get that crazy high anymore. He was probably thinking about a Vortex
Waterfall bong as in: Cut hole in bottom side of bottle. Fill with water while covering hole. Light herb and let water flow out. Or Gravity bong: Cut bottom off of water bottle. Push into water. Light herb. Slowly pull bottle up from water.
Same with me, while smoke in a waterfall bong may go stale or stop getting you high, all of the smoke in a gravity bong gets pushed into your lungs without any real effort. One hit of some good bud will always get me high out of a gravity bong, and when I mix some hash or kief in there I get an insane/psychedelic high.
I made one with a 3 liter and a big socket with a screen in it... Hole all the way on the bottom... It got 3 people high.
This It is exactly what i specified it to be, although i understand your confusion many people mislabel them often.