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Waterboarding while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blackened88, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So right now, me and 3 friends are high (and intend on getting higher). One wants to try waterboarding, while high. I've done it before, and so have my friends, just not while high. my other friends are saying just to try it but its sounds like a baaaaaaad idea to me lol. should we?
  2. Never tried to board, but I used to love going to the lake and renting the little 2 person sailboats.

    Ya it may sound lame, but I knew how to sail, and was zipping around the lake so fast, the rangers would flag me down and tell me to stop it. tacking was a blast, hanging over the side ...many good times.:smoking:

  3. Lmao, I think you misunderstand me. I mean waterboarding as in the water torture method that people use for fun. Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. This sounds like a terribly not-fun idea.

  5. Surprisingly its quite fun with a good group of friends. I'm just debating whether I should try it while high or not.
  6. That doesn't sound fun at all, seriousely...why the fuck would you want to do that not high?

  7. To see who can last the longest without removing the rag from their face and flipping out lol
  8. wtf? hell no you shouldent.

  9. ok well whatever you do, don't get too high and accidentally kill your friends :p
  10. Two words: Fuck no.
  11. you really do this for fun?? your options must be REALLY limited ...
  12. that cant be fun in anyway shape or form
  13. refer to ^ this dudes username...
  14. Waterboarding like wakeboarding?

    Go for it, just make sure the boat driver is sober.
  15. This kid obviously isn't 18. What a retard.

    That's my contribution to this thread :bongin:

  16. Think what you want.

  17. Yes quite.

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