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Water in lungs

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by umop 3pisdn, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Well, for one, you have a history of posting threads that propogate fear and confusion and the negative aspects of mind altering drugs. So explain to me why I should believe this thread in a way that does not involve calling me a "cunt".
  2. It could be pneumonia or some kind of pulmonary infection, but it is NOT BONG WATER. That's just fucking ridiculous.
  3. As a commercial diver I can tell you about water in the lungs, and this guy is bullshitting

  4. Well does your friend know not to use a straw to inhale the smoke from the bong? how full does he fill it? This is all sorts of retarded.
  5. listen, getting water in your lungs from smoking bong IS technically possible however unlikely. you have respiratory epithelium lining your lung which produce and absorb water all the time, not to mention cilia which are often refered to as the "mucus elevator". but that doesn't mean things can't go wrong. i've heard this story before.

    but to be honest, i wouldn't say this happened to your friend simply because of bongs. for the small amount of water that enters the lungs to cause a problem like you're describing, i assume that there would have had been some sort of underlying problem that resulted in his inability to filter out the liquid in the first place.
  6. You dont breathe in droplets of water. Fail.

    Your story is fake because you are trying to explain something that is completely false.

    It can happen if your hitting a small pipe EXTREMELY fast, if you pull out the bowl water will shoot up in your mouth, and since your inhaling to hit it, possibly in your lungs.
  7. ^no it CAN happen. it happens to us all the time. it just very rarely will ever cause a problem for anyone.

    hot smoke being pulled through cold water will cause some of the cold water to evaporate and stick to the smoke, the smoke travels in your lungs with water molecules attatched, and they enter your lungs. just because it hasn't (and probably never will) caused a problem for you doesn't mean it can't cause a problem for somebody else.

    ei: most of us can fight of the common cold no problem, some of us can even be infected with the common cold and not realize it, some people can't get the common cold without being hospitalized and/or dying.
    it's rare, but "killer colds" do exist.
    it's rare, but "bong water" on the lungs can happen.
  8. #68 Dubsack22, Feb 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2009
    funny enough, if the OP would read the 3 things he posted, they go on to say that "water in lungd" is a term of art used by physicians, its not literally water but a mixture of bile and sometimes blood that can blok up a persons respiratory system.

    ALSO, TO THE OP-- did your friend smoke cigarettes? You still have yet to provide onelink from your freind illness to weed, bongs, or even smoking in general. Not to mention the fact that your lung tissue is the most reseptive tissue to water aside from your intestines. This means any water in the lungs is immidiatley aborbed therough the tissue and directly into the bloodstream. NOW, what may have possibly happened, is a totally unrelated condition or illness has effected portions of your friend lung tissue to make it non-porus, possibly infection of the capilaries which would spread to the blood (explaining the black color) however the fuild is decidely not water, and untill you proove it is i think your OP is straight retarded.

    ALSO, you potentialy put yourself at risk for this mystery syndrome 10X if you, like i do, drink water on a daily basis. OOPS i better stop doing that!
  9. Stupidest shit ive ever heard!!!! Water in your lungs is a health issue not realted to weed in any way. He has so very fucked up lungs. He shouldn't smoke anything at all.
  10. lol this made me laugh
  11. QFT its so clear what he is doing his friend doesn't get a name and we get no explanation that makes sense besides him just saying it does make sense.
  12. QFT.

    just like if a woman's on top, she cant get pregnant. its just gravity. everyone knows that.

    btw, steam is steam, but did you know, steam is also water? i know, its crazy, but its true. and since when can you exhale steam? i have inhaled steam many a times when i have a throat-clogging cold, but i have never seen it return when i exhale. so where did it go? i assume it got absorbed into my lungs.

    taking that into account, lets apply this theory to showers. now i like my showers very hot, to the point of scalding the average individual. in the process, much steam is produced. i dont hold my breath when i shower, therefore i am also inhaling all of that water vapor, and probably some droplets of water since the water bounces all over the place.

    so since i shower daily, at 10 minutes per shower, 7 showers a week, thats 70 minutes worth of inhaling water and vapor a week. so wouldnt i have a massive build up of water in my lungs? i also smoke through a bong, which means i would also have this black water in my lungs as well. but i dont. i have never had any problems, nor have i even heard of any of these problems. your story is bullshit, because i just ripped apart everything about it. maybe your friend told you that the doctors found black water in his lungs from hitting a bong. that doesnt mean it actually happened.

    /end rant
  13. This.
  14. owned. Close this thread.
  15. lol...this thread is HALARIOUS....and the OP getting all pissed is making it so much fail...:wave:
  16. I dnt like to smoke bongs any way lol Blunts all day
  17. Well, no one here is in a defence mode. Know why? Cause drowning in bong water isn't caused by pot but by water in a bong that happens to have alot of weed-leftovers in it, so the one to blame isn't pot but rather bongs and water. Personally I hate smoking bongs (jont guy), but I think you're full of crap. See, no defence mode here :smoke:
  18. He has pneumonia

    Damn... I wish I had a bong that hospitalised me haha

  19. When did marijuana come into this??

    Just because your friend uses a water pipe for illegal purposes doesnt mean everyone on this forum does..


    Dont dirty this forum with this talk about illegal drugs, it really sickens me...

    Now exuse me while i go load up a bowl of tobacco and get water in my lungs...
  20. either he tried to hit a dirty bong upside down, or has pnemonia.(Sp?)

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