sup guys. so i am in the middle of a water fast for 40 days. i will be consuming nothing but water till i accomplish my goal. i am currently on day 5 so i got 35 days left and im doing well. i will also be be posting updates on this throughout. so yea, im feeling good. not hungry at all but i just miss the deliciousness of food. i feel no urge to eat but whenever i occasionally think about eating food i actually taste and smell it but i keep my will strong and im dedicated to my commitment. i will truly appreciate food more and make healthier diet decisions once i achieve my goal although these days i been fantasizing about some pizza hut, cheeseburgers, golden corrals insane buffet, chips/doritos, cornflakes/cheerios, or any other cereal, and all other tasty foods. just the other day my mom cooked on of my favorite meals on the 2nd day of my fast and i had to regretfully decline.. mmm. i would remove the pot lid to catch a whiff and my mouth watered and my stomach spoke to me. i said fuck that, ima stay strong. i do know what im doing and i am staying hydrated. amazing how for months i been looking forward to the day i complete drug court so i can smoke up again which will be in about a week, but since i decided to go through with this fast i am more excited about the day i complete the fast. the cleansing will be wonderful too, i will love having my throat cleared of all that mucus nd shit as well as the thorough cleanse of the rest of my body. and yea, so anybody here got any experiences with fasting? ok, well, till the next update. Love. Edit: btw what about herbal tea on water fasts? i mean, essentially it is just water with soaked herbs. or seltzer water, just carbonated water.. however i doubt i'll drink the seltzer but the herbal teas sounds ok. however i dont want to cheat. i dont want my stomach to digest nothing but water.
I have done a 30 day juice fast. It wasn't bad. I think a water faxt might be a bit more difficult because of no nutrient input at all.
I have no idea, but is fasting for 40 days healthy? Literally eating nothing for 40 days... I cant see that being very good on your system. 10 days, or 5 days maybe.. but 40? Good luck dude. Edit, Unless your huge, I could see your body turning in on its proteins ( muscle ) quickly after the fat is burned. How much do you weigh? If you dont mind.
right, i wouldnt consider a juice fast because to me it sounds contadictory, cause basically a juice fast is just a thoroughly chewed, liquified fruits. which in a sense could still be considered eating, or consuming foods. still, congratulations and how did it go?
good luck i did the master cleanse like 2 months back and lost 14 lbs, but later gained back 4 i only did it for 5 days tho not the full 10 or the max of 40 but yea Honestly tho its not worth it losing wieght wise cuz my max bench went down 20lbs from 245. I can only ,max at 225 now. But as for energy and the purity it makes one feel it was def. worth it! Good luck!
That's the whole idea of a juice fast, you body is not using energy to digest any food, the nutrients are absorbed extremely easily. (Juice without pulp by the way, is not liquified fruit, it's just the liquid, mostly water and sucrose from the fruit))
water fasting as in abstaining from all consumation besides water. congratulations s33pr3ss, on your successful fast. on day 6. still going strong. i realize that fasting requires a very strong willpower and determination because myself tries to talk me into eating everytime food constantly. counting down the days. im also aware that i should appreciate and enjoy this experience
so... day 7. a whole week now. i went all day so far abstaining from food. that in itself was a feat for me. i just got home from school and i called my peoples to see wassup md shit. so they offered to bring me some food from the mall. at first i said no, then they kept talking about it till i finally said ok. so i should be receiving some large philly cheese steak and cheese fries. its awesome. so i thought, that definitely shouldnt be the meal to break my fast with. so i consume a whole lime....YUM! and some hemp nuts and water. and now i am really glad. really. its amazed at how strong the desire to eat becomes. its not even hunger, more so the want of it. since this is the first prolonged fast, im sure this experience will help me for the next one. i apologized to the lord for breaking my commitment and i appreciate his blessings. and also i plan to complete my fast real soon. i got 7 days down and i will be doing the rest, 33 days. i will end this with a thanks God, for everything. sincerely. I love you. Love.
wow, eating this philly cheese steak got me feelin like shit. i feel like i would have rathered continued my fast.
Congratulations, you're right back where you started, just with less muscle, mineral/water imbalances, and possibly a higher resting metabolic rate. Water diets, juice diets, and all of those detox diets don't clean anything from your body. Your liver and kidneys do a great job of that on their own. How about you don't ingest as much crap food in the first place? Follow up that philly cheesesteak with a healthier diet of real food. At least the cheesesteak was probably not processed to high hell, so if you did get any "cleaner" it won't set you back. I haven't been able to find conclusive results on when "starvation mode" actually starts, but you may have gone far enough to set it off, so you might experience a slight rebound effect.
lol. starvation mode starts when your body has consumed all of your fat storage and begins to feed pff your vital organs. i assure you i was not starving. and i also know now that breaking the fast is just as vital as the entire fast in itself. i am glad to have added this experience and knowledge to my belt. i will definitely have a more successful and efficient fast next time.
maybe if you dont have any fat at all. but hunger subsides in 1-2 days. and your desire to eat intensifies.
Next to no fat! Cursed with the highest metabolism out there. Fasting is not for me. Props to people that go through it though.
I realise that fasting requires a very strong will and determination, trying to talk myself into eating the food every time. counting the days. I am also aware that should appreciate and enjoy this experience
diet of water, juice, and all these treatments do not clean anything from your body. The liver and kidneys do an excellent job of this on your own. And you do not eat garbage in the first place? Philly cheesesteak followed that with a healthier diet of real food.
Yo these forum robots are getting annoying. If you look, they just take fragments of old posts and put them together into incoherent nonsense. I recognized some of my writing in another thread that a robot posted in and had crazy deja vu before i recognized the user.
Wait OP, can you tell me why you're fasting? It wouldn't "cleanse" your system, just deprive your body of nutrients. It's not a practical way to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, walk. I lost 10 lbs walking 12 miles a week, for 4 weeks, and didn't even diet.