So this is probably a stupid question..I made a water bottle bong and the smoke isnt going in, I dont have access to a bong or anything right now
Make sure u have 3 holes.. A place to suck up the smoke.. A carb.. N a place to put the weed.. N make sure u fill it up wit water just a lil bit n make sure ur bowl tube thingy is touchin the water.. I use a empty pen tube wit aluminum foil as the bowl n that should work perfectly.. Unless ur holes r too big n too much air is gettin in.. In which case tape does wonders
If you don't have access to a real bowl at a head shop i've used sockets. Probably not the best but better than aluminum. And tape is even worse.
Go to your local headshop and buy a bowl. They can be as cheap as a couple dollars. It's two dollars to save your health.