My cousin is a pro boxer and hes up for the biggest fight of his career tonight. His name is Joey "Minnesota Ice" Abell His record is... Won 27 (26 KO) Lost 4 (2KO) Tonights fight is gonna be on ESPN2 I believe. Maybe ESPN1 but I cant remember right now. Its at 9pm Abell (237lbs) v.s. Arreola (250 lbs) @ Pachanga Resort, Temecula CA. If your a boxing fan tune in and root for him. Ill be working so I cant watch live but Ill catch the recording tomorrow.
I'll be there.I've been a huge boxing fan but have bout given up on it since they wont put on good fights any more.
ESPN2. Just got off in time for the fight!!! Ready to watch Minnesota Ice break loose and ice this punk!!!
Guess i'll be the one to break the ice....oh wait, Arreola just did it Joking! Not a fan of Arreola at all, just bustin your chops. I didn't get to watch but the way boxing scene described it he was doing good for the first 2 minutes then got caught but didn't fall and he seemed to have it all together but the ref stopped it immediately.
Pretty much. I didnt even come back to post after that fight cus I was way too pissed. Not about the loss so much but that bitch Arreola had the nerve to punk Joey like that. Thats the most disrespectful thing I can possible think of. So unsportsman like. I wanna see a rematch and that dude get his head torn off! Youre exactly right knospe... No class at all!