NSFW=Not Safe For Work. Imagine sitting at your workstation, and your boss/IT department just happened to be monitoring your internet usage. It wouldn't fly over too well. (Of course, they'd also be wondering WTF you're doing on Grass City during work hours also).
Ummm dude that's dumb. If someone was to be on GC while working they are not too concerned about getting caught. I'd know from experience. No need to mislabel ur thread. Makes ya look dumb. Ur welcome.
You're the IT supervisor I want. "Keep the network up, and I don't give a fuck what you do." Damn straight.
Exactly man. I didn't get anyone in trouble for doing whatever as long as it didn't affect me. If they got in trouble for cruising the net and not doing their work, it was their own problem. If they got a virus or something and caused me to have to do real work, then it was my problem.
+1 I could roll with that. No problem buddy. Hell, I have my private LAN locked down tighter then a whore's pussy in church on Sunday morning. (well, I do run an unsecured section of WAN, but I have that locked down so tight that any sites I don't personally approve of are blocked, and only ports 80 443, 25, 21, 993. Everything else is locked down, and attempted intrusions are automatically logged and sent to me via email. Kind of a "cost" to the users for using my freely provided service. It's my fucking network, I'll do what I want with it.