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wat in the world is keif & resin?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 240sxjohny, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I think resin is the black burned bud that you scrape but wtf is keif? I smoke bud everyday and i dont know haha
  2. You got resin right. Kief is the trichs/crystals on bud that have fallen off
  3. Kief is the trichomes off of dank bud. and resin is the residue from smoking. baseically the black stuff in your pipe or even in roaches.
  4. wow i just fell in love with weed all over again thanks guys
  5. There's this website, called Google (Google), where you can put in a term that you want to look up, like "kief", and it will give you an answer in seconds.

    You don't need to actually post a thread about this and ask. It will save you time if you go to Google and use their services.

    Got it?

  6. i did that but it wasnt very descriptive and the images were even worse only thc crystals came out but now i know thank you very much case is now closed

  7. The SEARCH button is a great feature. Some experts on the forums posted pictures as well as how tos on kief and resin on the forum. Check it out

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