Washington university students?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by amsterdamage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I just got this email, can anybody help?

    The contact is enigma@zenigma.org or GSTLNORML@yahoogroups.com

    Thanks! :hello:
  2. Sometimes I regret not getting better grades :devious:
  3. Erf. I just applied for a UW grad program, but Im not in yet.
  4. #4 aero18, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Washington University, not University of Washington.

    EDIT: Washington State University?
  5. Coming from a lifelong WA resident, I have never EVER heard of Washington University. Theres UW, WSU, CWU, WWU...but no WU.
  6. I'm thinking they meant either WSU or UW because I am also a lifelong WA resident and former WSU student and I've never heard of Washington University.

  7. No shit? I grew up in Ptown! Small world :smoke:

    Nice to know there's real people on the other side of the screen name. :wave:
  8. its washington university located in st louis dudes.

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