Washington Man Chooses Jail Over Fine For Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Blaghlagh, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Washington Man Chooses Jail Over Fine For Marijuana - Toke of the Town

  2. I don't know whether to be pissed off or happy, this really needs to get out there so this man doesn't take a fall for no reason.
  3. See that is my dream only with about 3 dozen high profile lawyers after i won me the lottery ;)
  4. I respect the fuck out of this man.
  5. Paying interest on fines because he was in jail? Wow, that's fucked up!

    Anyways, this guy rocks, a big middle finger to asshole prohibitionists everywhere.
  6. Free food, free bed, and he doesn't have to pay fines? Sounds like a good deal to me

    But, does this mean hes a felon? Can you go to jail and not be a felon? If so, I'd rather retain my rights as a non-convicted felon.

    Even though I don't vote, there are other beneficial rights as well I'd like to one day utilize
  7. This man is a true martyr, and good for him. Yeah, he spends a few months/years in jail. IMO that's worth it.

    When I saw his picture I was honestly thinking just another dumbass causing problems for both sides, but he was actually very smart with what he said, and what he did.
  8. This man is a man, man. :cool:

    Good for him, for taking a stand like that.

    Judge is a douche. :smoke:

    What's the matter, judge? Afraid of people with personally-held beliefs that differ from your own?
  9. i posted an idea a couple days ago with the same basic concept. the only thing keeping cannabis illegal is the fact that 99.9% of us take their plea bargins. it would cost them billions of dollars to prosecute all of us with a jury trial. so basically when you take their plea bargain, your helping them out. so stop lol
  10. what a bamf, talk about taking one for the team and sticking it to the man.
  11. sounds like a fool to me.
  12. In perspective a maximum?, at least I know, common fine for possession or marijuana in this state today is $400. Typically this coincides with a paraphernalia charge which carries a $400 fine as well.


    This guy had interest accumulate? Now owes $3,000.
    Most counties will let you settle that for $30 a day you spend in jail off your fine until your balance is zero. 100 days, or get with a plan and pay 50 bucks a month for the rest of your life.

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