Drug Task Force Seizes Signed I-1068 Petitions | Sensible Washington ^^ original story. Long and short of it is that a dispensary in Tacoma got raided and they had a bunch of signed petitions which got seized during the raid.
it is a constitutional right that we have to petition the government. I would sue the FUCK out of that police deptarment if they didnt give it back
The shitty thing though is that it doesn't matter. We need the petitions into the Auditor's office by July 2 in order to get on the ballot in November. We'd be lucky to get a hearing in a court of law by July 2011. Basically the best we can do is ask nicely. Sensible WA doesn't even really have the money for a court case. We would need the ACLU or something to fight it. And for some perspective they estimate that they have about 100,000 signatures right now, 210,000 to go until they hit their goal, and they lost about 200 signatures in the raid.