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was this the real deal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by calories, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So last night was my second time smoking. The first time I took about three hits, felt a little lightheaded but nothing more.

    Last night I only took 1 hit but it was a long one (we were smoking joints). Held it in for 5 seconds and blew it out then started coughing like crazy. It made me feel sick so i didn't smoke anymore.

    About 15 minutes later I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded. My hands felt like they were reallllly cold and I kept obsessing about that. I got paranoid and had a mini anxiety attack but I just kept telling myself that it was normal and whatever so it was ok. I got "the munchies" but I didn't get all giggly like some of my friends who smoked a lot more.

    I felt like that for about 2.5 hours and then I went to bed. I'm surprised I felt so much because it was only one hit and it seemed to last so long.

    Was that high? Or just buzzed?

    Also, because it seemed like such a powerful reaction to one hit I'm reluctant to smoke a whole joint on my own as my friend suggested.

    P.S. It was "bubblegum" weed.
  2. [​IMG]You were HIGH!
  3. Sounds like you might have felt high, we cant tell you, but you WILL know when it hits you.
    Trust me, you have NO TOLERANCE WHATSOEVER, that is why just a couple good hits will get you baked. And if just one hit made you paranoid, you are right to be scared to smoke more then a few big hits because you will feel uncomfortable. The most experienced trait of a smoker is knowing just how much you need of different qualities with different methods to get to your comfortable level of highness. Your "friends who smoke more" just want to see you smoke too much and feel like shit.
    Take a small hit ot two from a pipe/bong and tell me how you feel.
  4. lol... well along with what the others said, next time try and take it one hit at a time. (some weed can be more potent than others) and also its very important that before you do get baked, be in a comfortable envoirnment, not one where you will have to worry if someone will walk in every 30 min.

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