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was this a good deal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pers0n, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. I was wondering if i got my money's worth
    the guy said it was 15 worth of ganja dwarf.
    he sold it to me for $10.
    also is ganja dwarf like sativa or indica?:wave:
    (quarter and dollar for reference)

  2. That looks yummy. Good pick up. It's mostly a sativa. Expect a really really chill body high.
  3. Yeah that looks like a pretty good deal. Looks pretty dank too! Smoke that shit!

    Also, strain names are usually bullshit unless you have medical.
  4. That looks really awesome, and you probably got hooked up.

    I looked it up, and it's supposed to be an indica. So if it's real, you'd get a nice body stone.
  5. Looks like a deal well-made
  6. indicas are body highs not sativa....
  7. looks like some stuff i picked up off of this random dude the other day.
    was pretty good
  8. Damn man where do you live that sounds like a hell of a deal!
  9. Typo, my fault.
  10. ya that looks about 1.5 grams. good deal. cant tell if thats trichs or mold, on the nug thats on the quarter.

  11. somewhat near LA he needed the money:hello:

  12. come up to canada sometime
  13. A drug dealer needed $10? Like, what? Shouldn't he be rolling around in that? I've never thought a dealer would be hard up for a 10 spot.

    EDIT: Yeah, as already stated, seems to be a pretty solid deal.
  14. I checked and it wasn't mold just looked like it they're little hairs thats it thanks people

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