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was my weed laced??

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by The Aqua Bros, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. so, i have smoked weed before but only got mildly stoned if that,and i paid $7 for a joint of blue cheese yesterday, i saw the joint being rolled and it had about .7 of a gram mixed with tobacco.
    i smoked about half of it, holding each hit down for about 7 seconds, and this was my second time smoking weed if that matters. i felt nothing. my friend gave me an insane blowback for about 10 seconds, and i walked up the road to get the train and it hit me. my eyes felt super cold, like snowballs, and my legs felt as if they were jelly and i felt really un co-ordinated. i could hear background noise very vividly but not anyone who was next to me, and i was fascinated by the sound of my own voice. i was quite scared actually. the high wore off after about 5 hours, and i went home to sleep.
    was my weed laced? anyone else ever had this? was my weed just super dank?

  2. congratulations on your first time being high lol. i take it thats your first time smoking tobacco as well? 
  3. i smoke like a pack a month though, is this what being high is like/
  4. Had you just smoked the BC, you would have been high as hell.  Once you added Tobacco...You entered a different realm of herbal interaction.  Many folk would get kind of sick.  You had a sugar reaction.  I call it "Sugar shock".  Did you drink any alchohol before this experience?
  5. no, i was completely sober and did not drink after either. didnt eat before smoking if that changes anything?
  6. well you said this was your second time smoking, and your first time you got mildly stoned. when you smoke properly for the first time, you dont get mildly stoned lol. your description sounds a whole lot like you properly inhaled for the first time. 
  7. haha, ok dude :) but this was super wierd, like an acid trip or something?
  8. have you tripped before? its very different from weed. i can tell you with some certainty that its very unlikely your weed was laced. for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it costs money to add something extra. mixing tobacco and weed gives a slightly different high that can throw you off a bit as well. 
  9. I won't say it never happens but laced weed is a lot more rare than people often think, at least in my experience. The few times I've run across that type of thing it wasn't from a dealer, but from a user, more a lack of communication than anything. Someone smoking wack (pcp laced weed) without realizing it was laced, that type of thing. I'd worry more about lack of communication between friends rather than dealers lacing it.
  10. no, i'd never tripped before, and also, i caught myself staring at random stuff really seriously, and not being aware of what was around me, and i forgot things that happened after about 30 seconds
  11. having not eaten anything oculd also be a factor;  Of course, but it is hard to say.  I hate Tobacco;  So, I am going to blame that.  Chees is an extremely potent strain, and adding Tobacco (possibly "juiced" or whatever;  Would still be my most educated guess :).  
  12. hahaha, thanks for putting my mind at rest guys, i have come to the conclusion that my weed was super dank and the tobacco amplified the effect by 100 times lol.
  13. You got real high. That's it man. No other explanation needed 🚀

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  14. :smoking:  :smoke:  :yay:
  15. #15 BroughtFromHome, Nov 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2014
    Trust me, nothing like an acid trip :p

    And yes your conclusion 100% correct. You just got high for the first time, congratulations.
  16. Welcome to the world of being high. Too bad I'm stopping weed for about a year since I'm being fucking drug tested. MJ never hurt anyone why can't everyone accept this and piss off
  17. Speaking of, it's rather ridiculous the kind of tests they're replacing piss tests with, like hair and nail tests. All drug tests test for one thing, MJ. Oh they may say they test for all kinds of drugs but MJ is the only one that takes a long time to metabolize out. Thus screwing over peaceful tokers like you and I.
  18. I want some of that shit
  19. This. Is. True.
  20. Here's a simple rule of thumb if you think your weed was laced: it wasn't.
    This applies to every other first-timer who couldn't handle their high.

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