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Was it laced?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Oopzz, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I know a lot of people ask if their weed was laced on here but the experience I had really freaked me out. I smoked 1 bowl pack with my friend and everything started getting really blurry. I figured it was just good weed or I didn't eat recently. We headed upstairs and I went into the bathroom. As i was walking to the towel to dry off my hands i started seeing everything over and over again. I felt like I was moving at an extremely fast speed and that I couldn't stop. I chilled myself out for a second and continued to go back downstairs. Walking down the stairs the feeling came back but 10x worse. I couldn't stop moving at an exact speed and i kept seeing the motions I made as if it were a stop motion movie. I felt like I was in a strobe light. I ended up having a panic attack and my friend helped me chill out. I layed on my couch for 3 hours still feeling like i couldn't stop moving. During those 3 hours I felt many things, my throat was bleeding, something was growing under my left eye, and still the "fast" feeling. After it all went away I felt weird and sick. Later that night all those feelings came back after I woke up from a 10/15 minute sleep and I forgot where I was. Once my eyes adjusted I saw my living room but I was in my own room and looking at a black wall. I had another panic attack and called my friend to talk me through it until I eventually passed out. Can anybody tell me what the fuck happened to me? My friend smoked the same bud and nothing happened to him.. It was called Flo.

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