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Was i ripped off?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Markyb, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. so i live in the west midlands of england. and i payed £20 for 1.7 grams of mids

    was i ripped off?
  2. That's sounds really damn expensive. I live in the states though so I don't englands prices but a teenth (1.7) of mids would be about 20 USD and some sick dank would be 25 to 30 (rarely 30) where I live.
  3. Ya seems like you mighta gotten screwed a lil, should be at least 2-3g's for £20. But its only a 1.7g. Its not like you got stiffed on an O or a QP. Could be worse.
  4. i don't know anything about the money over there. but ima say you didn't get ripped, you just didn't get a good hook up.
  5. dont worry man, you feel it once you get ripped off 270 bucks :x but learn and move on

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