Was highschool really the best years of your life?

Discussion in 'General' started by MrHhhiiiooo, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. good memories but the negatives still out weigh the positives
  2. Boring as fuck the first 2 years: fake friends hard classes, but the last 2 years i pulled through, got indoc-ed into the world of the stoner and blazed copious amounts of mids.
  3. when i was there i hated it. i hated being there, i hated the people, i hated the teachers and the bullshit. i was bullied all through school. so if being called a fat dyke, among other things, for 4 years are the best years of my life then yes it was fucking awesome.

    but you know, looking back, it was a hell of a lot easier than being an adult. and looking back i wish i had done more in high school. like been a better student. and told those fuckfaces to go to hell.

  4. I don't miss alot of the shit, but now I think back to all my friends, the adventures, the partying...the girls.

    It was awesome in retrospect, but at the time I didn't enjoy it much
  5. Fuck no. As I keep telling my kids: "Wait until you graduate and your real life begins. Get through the bullshit and you'll see that life is nothing like high school".
  6. Thank god you all feel that way haha i was starting to worry
  7. i hated it at the time, now i look back and miss all the stupid shit i've done.

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