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Was Barack Obama a good president to you?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TioW42, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. I don't live in America but I always hear mix opinions like some thinks he's good and some think he's very shit and absolutely hate him. If you like him or hate him please tell me why
  2. Here's something to understand about America and probably many other countries; No matter how good/effective of a president someone is, their political opponents will think that they are "the worst". Here in the USA, the republicans would rather pull their teeth out than suggest Obama has been anything but horrendous. The same was true of the democrats when Bush was in office.

    Reasonable people can disagree about policy but most folks are not reasonable.
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  3. What was your view on Obama?
  4. I appreciated his thoughtful responses to crisis both here and abroad.
  5. Shittiest in a long line of shitty masters.
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  6. why was he bad to you?
  7. Every president has been the same since Jfk

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
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  8. A Puppet, a Pawn........................
    And so will the next one
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  9. Don't have to time to type out a short book. I don't mean to be sarcastic because I know your question is honest but look into this whole charade in media other than what the status quo puts out.

    I know this sounds like a dodge and I apologize but it really is a pain, that I am not willing to endure on a phone, to cite a shit ton of credible sources.
  10. Bad, taxes have gone up for me personally and buying goods have also raised a lot in the last 8 years. .. Inflation is robbing us, taxes are robbing us, fees, regulations, loss of privacy. He has continued to divide the American public with one sided policies concerning business and medicine. Continues and expanded surveillance of citizens, oversaw probably the most corrupt justice department. Continued baseless wars, showed extreme favoritism towards his alies and used his political power against his opponents.

    no im not drunk!
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  11. Other than being colored and contributing to the gay marriage legalities to be recognised are the only positive traits I see and his lack of cannabis prohibition. He's a step up from bush, both of em.

    That's all I can think of.
  12. Well damn. That works.
    He's a step down from bush. Same shit as bush plus vastly increased raids on medical dispensaries compared to bush.
    Only in the last year or two have they started backing off a little bit on us on legal states but still the threat is there. Too little too late.
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  13. He bush. In black face.
    They are most likely still funded by the same investors. And share most of the interest politically.

    Your telling me a bush would create less raids on cannibis?. His family owns americorps and oil rights. AMD bush senior was charged with war crimes. funding militias against our own soilders. He was never convicted. But you think the television would mention that.
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  14. I think the image the constitution authors create is vasy overated and power driven simply by publicity and transportation. I'd be different if little new travel by mouth.
    The presidents just a tie breaker for imature representatives.
    And is basically a wild card cause little information is available.not sure how election campaign worded before telecommunications
  15. If you're a liberal, I suppose he just about ranks up there with Superman. He's used his pen to do things to this country that would cause my father to roll over in his grave if he could know. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am simply an American who has been watching my fellow Americans bury their heads in the sand and assume that these guys we elected as "leaders" were working on behalf of us and in our best interest. When in truth, those "leaders"...and I do use that term VERY loosely, have very busily been using their clout and power to slowly rip this nation apart and stuff their own pockets full. We have been screwed by these men and women just about every way possible and suddenly we look up and see that: All that "job creation" that the Obama administration lauded over us was actually just more jobs flipping hamburgers or the equivalent thereof, that didn't pay a wage one could support themselves on much less children and a family. Our infrastructure is literally falling apart. Our roads and bridges have been allowed to deteriorate to a point where many bridges are simply closed rather than repaired or replaced and the auto mechanic professionals are making a killing because our roads are ripping our vehicles apart. Let see....race relations: This man had the unique opportunity because he is biracial and pretty much identifies as "black," to bring this country together as far as race relations, like nobody else in history. Yet, the only time he ever seemed to care or even address those in the African American community was when he would use a tragedy, often black on black but any tragedy will do, to promote his gun control agenda. One of the founding points of the constitution that created this very nation...a citizen's right to defend themselves, has been a big burr in his side since inauguration day nearly 8 years ago. We all know that it is the gun who chooses the victim and, were there no guns, problem solved. However, President Obama seemed to overlook the fact that criminals are those who don't follow the law now and I seriously doubt would suddenly stop to follow the rules were it deemed to be so. So, as best I can see it, that would leave the rest of us good and decent citizens sitting out here unprotected and those who are protected...criminals. Something's not right about that??? I have decided that President Obama and my daughter-in-law would make an excellent pair. Because neither one's logic makes any sense.

    I truly think that things have finally gotten bad enough in this country for people to realize that something has got to change or this nation is soon to fall. We are a joke internationally and have been for several years now. Our marines can't get parts to repair 30 year old helicopters they are still using. Our military has been cut to the point that I question our ability to defend ourselves against an onslaught by another major political power.

    No. I think Barrack Obama's presidency has been a total waste of 8 years and an embarrassment to both him and this country. We have been lied to repeatedly by this man and his cast of cronies for far too long. He has operated as if this is a kingdom instead of a democracy and if Hillary, God forbid, gets elected behind him, it's going to continue on and decline further. I heard an economist say last week in an interview with one of the major news networks, that if changes weren't made, in less than 5 years our national debt will exceed the value of our country. In other words, as a country we will be upside down. America....owing more than it's worth. Think about that people and explain to me how more of the same is going to help a single damn one of us? It's going to KILL this country. I hate that. This was once a great nation and it's citizens took pride in the fact that they were "American." Now, everything is all about "me," "me," "me,"...and damn everybody else. That's why only a few people in this country know about wealth and control what happens to the rest of us poor fools. Better wake up before it's too late because time is short!

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  16. I was mainly interested in the bush and oboma comparison towards cannabis sesuirze raided.
  17. No, I believed the whole change thing at first, then as got out of high school I started paying attention to his policies. Voted republican 2013, and will vote republican 2016
  18. Bush is the only reason the US dollar is #1 curency. Is cause we created the petro-dollar bill. Forces uneducated ungovernd contreis to constantly trade oil for US notes for their imports minimal necesitys at best.
    The military a private institue now has Ann the oil for it war machines.

    Thus destroys the land over seas while domesticly training the inhabitants. Wich are still in poverty. No oil is bohght with Euro. US notes are used, owned by Europe. Thus we have one giant military presence fueled by the blood it Leach's from the earths spine.
  19. I was laid off a bit before the banking and housing crisis happened, and thanks to Obama I received unemployment insurance checks for one hundred weeks straight. I would have gone back to work but the jobs were just not there, so the extended unemployment benefits were a welcome relief. I have Obamacare insurance, which I pay for. It's not great, and the deductibles, are high, but at least I'm insured against getting wiped financially out if any catastrophic illness or accident happens to me.
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  20. Agree except for military.'re not going to actually say we need to spend more on military are you? Marines with worn out heli? Lmao they can do with 1/10 of what they get and still have more than enough. We spend more than anyone on military. In fact if you take 2 through 21 (we are number 1) add them all together they dont spend as much as us. our military complex is straight out of control and if anyone thinks its underfunded they are bat shit crazy. ...totally insane

    no im not drunk!

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