Was accused of being a racist at work!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by JEI3US, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. I almost lost my job today. First and foremost I am of Latino desent. I am bilingual and speak fluent English and spanish. There's this Mexican chick at work that started teasing me for my Spanish not being perfect since my primary language is English. I told her well at least I speak both languages unlike her she just speaks spanish. A few days later word started going around that I was a Trump supporter at work. I've never discussed my political views with anyone and no I am not a Trump supporter anyway. I wonder who started the rumor. Today my boss pulls me aside angrily asks me why I told the girl that she should go back to her country. I never said this and I let him know I didn't say such a thing. He raised his voice and said "yes you did!" At that point I was pretty pissed because my boss was clearly taking sides over a rumor by the way he confronted me. He told me to leave the girl alone and I told him to tell her to stop spreading rumors about me and hurting my image at work. As he walks away he says "BTW I'm not from this country either". I wanted to confront the girl so badly but I knew if I did she would have.made a scene and definitely got me fired. What should I do? My boss is a total dick to me now over some bs rumors I never said.I fucking hate work drama like the plague.

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  2. Find a new job. They all sound immature and there is no way to fix that.
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  3. Let those scumfucks wither away in their own hateful squalor.

    Find a place where you're valued for your work ethic, not valued based on your gender and personal opinions of other half ass employees.

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  4. Well, on the bright side, at least she did not accuse you of raping her.. Because that does happen.
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  5. Or just be like me. I'm not racist I hate everyone, not because of where you come from or your color but because there stupid. And if she still wants to play games call INS and anonymously tip them off. I did that a few times before I left California and came to Georgia. Its not has effective down here but it out west it dam sure works
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  6. Go to your bosses boss, and explain the situation and also beef it up a bit. Say your boss and co workers are threating you b/c you support trump last time I checked America is a free country.
  7. I would reverse the entire thing on the boss that confronted you, I'm in upper management and I'm not sure about your company but if anyone in mine was to confront anyone else based on rumours, political views or ethnicity they would be the ones on the chopping block.

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  8. Another victim of PCness sorry man. On the flip side if you lose your job you may have a lawsuit to get back at them.

    Advice to all...
    When it comes to work avoid the topics of politics, immigration, religion and race and always look the women directly in tge eyes when addressing/acknowledge them especially if you are or resemble a white male.
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  9. Also remember to speak only when spoken to. :p

  10. Believe anyone that has a penis and balls on their forehead.
  11. You're an asshole. How would you feel if someone did something like that to you?
  12. Dude I'm an arab living in south Georgia, where everyday people here make it about color or race. Notice I never said white people, but realistically if a person constantly wants to make it a racially charged issue then fuck it play back and be smarter. Cause I promise they would leave you alone after they meet INS
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  13. I think his problem is more about you using a government agency to fight your battles for you. That is pretty chicken shit.
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  14. I dont take the shits I just disturb them.
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  15. OUCH!!!! Never happend to me lmfao
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  16. Not man enough to confront them yourself? You can really fuck someone's life up by doing petty shit like that.
  17. I'd start looking for a new job, they obviously feel you are of higher class than them and that's why the girl took it as you being racist saying she couldn't speak english. Sounds like you're a decent worker since he didn't fire you right there if he was that offended, so keep doing what your doing and look for somewhere better

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  18. If you are fired for this, sue for defamation, I believe you may have a case here, if you choose to take it that route.
  19. Get ahold of corporate and human resources. Tell them you're being discriminated against. Watch the shit hit the fan.
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