
Discussion in 'General' started by Up and away1235, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. God they suck I have them on 2 of my fingers anyone have the same problem or had? Tips on getting rid of them would help!
  2. I have plantar warts they hurt alo to walk when they r oresent
  3. #3 Old School Smoker, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2013
    I used to cut mine off with a razor. Seriously. There are no nerve endings in the wart skin tissue so i did not feel a thing.
    Also, try a product called compound W.
  4. Done it all paid for lasers froze,them off cut them out acidic liquid now on to vitamin a oh and I tried that sadly
  5. And I have some on the bottom of my big toe and I'm done freezing them off all they do is spread and don't get rid of them
  6. #6 Huey_Freeman, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2013
    A wart is a virus, your immune system will fight it off if you receive proper nutrition and hydration. Exercise can help. The absolute WORST thing to do is cut it or try to dig it out. Warts have spores, and cutting  or messing with it will actually spread the spores causing MORE warts. Plus, depending on the location of the wart, there is the possibility of nerve damage if you start cutting around. Liquid nitrogen can work, sometimes it won't. You can get Freeze Away (liquid nitrogen wart remover) at any local pharmacy (walgreens,cvs,etc..) its over the counter and its the same treatment the doctor uses (and a hell of a lot cheaper than paying for a doctors appt.) If its a HUGE wart that is causing discomfort or pain, you can call your doctor and schedule to get it surgically removed. But that is a drastic measure. They also sell these otc medicated band aids at local pharmacies. It's basically a bandaid with a circle cut in it and ointment in it and you cover the wart.. Leave it on for a few weeks to a month (might have to change it once or twice, read directions provided..) and the wart will just fall off. The medicated ointment gets to the root of the wart and it will fall off, then you will have a small hole where the wart used to be.. and it will heal. 
    Honestly, the best thing to do is keep it clean and sanitized, keep it DRY  (warts spread when they are wet.. they thrive in warm, moist environments) and keep it covered with a band aid. Your immune system is very powerful and will fight it off in time.  
    Please, whatever you do, do not pick at it or cut it, no matter how badly you want to. Just leave it be and you will wake up one day with it gone.
     I know all about warts.. Not that I have them all over my body or anything lol. I used to have a fat ass one on the palm of my hand and it was bugging me  so I researched the shit outta them. I even made a doctors appointment (biggest waste of money) because it was annoying me... The doc used liquid nitrogen on it .. i went in for about 3 treatments and she dowsed it .. froze the fuck out of my hand.. and that stubborn wart stayed. Then I kept it clean, put a band aid on it, and one day I looked down and it was gone.
    This is the band aid ointment i was talking about. Compound W works the best out of all treatments if you go that route.


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