WARNING: Humbolt seed company's Dr Greenthumbs Emdog

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by vibrationalprimate, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. sup everyone. This is just a warning to anyone considering growing this strain.

    I have nothing against HSO. They're a great seed company with some great strains but I was given some Dr Greenthumbs em dog seeds and after germinating them 2 out of the 5 seeds were twins ( one seed that grew two plants). At first this was pretty cool as I'd never seen that before. And having it happen to two seeds from the same pack seemed very unlikely to me. Only one of these twin plants survived past 3 days and the survivor is a serious runt of the litter and started very mutated. It was literally one leaf on a stem with no visible spots for new growth to develop though I kept growing it bec
  2. I bought 3 blue dream seeds off them. All 3 germinated. I put all 3 in pots. Only 1 came out. The others just stopped.

    Done my head in
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  3. That sucks man

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