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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kipohippo, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Has anyone ever eaten warheads whill blazed? Im decently stonerd rightn ow and the lemon ones are insane!
  2. They make Extreme sour ones, too.. haha

  3. The one candy I would not want to eat when high... that sour would be too much on my cottonmouth tongue. 'Cause the munchies would make me eat the entire pack.
  4. Try Poprocks! They're pretty intense when you're stoned. :p
  5. I havent had those in ages.
  6. i cant eat one of those for more than 30 seconds when im high.
  7. Yeah! Totally. I bought like a big pack of them one time, it was a riot. Try mixing them in with soda and then drinking it.

  8. This is the best drink the world.

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