Wardrobe Growing Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by spongebob, May 14, 2011.

  1. #1 spongebob, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
    I am wanting to try and grow some potent bud but i havent got much of a budget so i would like to know the best cheap lights ect for me to grow potent weed.I am going to be growing in my wardrobe.Btw i am from the uk
  2. sure...what are the dimensions of your grow area...inches please..i suck at conversion:rolleyes:
  3. sure...what are the dimensions of your grow area...inches please..i suck at conversion:rolleyes:
  4. Its just a standard wardrobe like this >> [​IMG]
  5. CMH or a small metal halide would be ideal.
    they have ballast kits at htg supply that cost about 50 bucks to set up yourself, instructions included. just get a conversion bulb or a CMH bulb since they can run off of a HPS ballast.
    plus those CMH bulbs are really quite amazing.

    or if you're looking for cheaper, you could go CFL's... but with all that space it'd be a shame if you didnt use HID's.
  6. Thanks for the advice guys ill take that intake fan off my list.
    Also what reflector would you recommend - Air Cooled SuperNova Reflector,Parabolic Reflector or Diamond reflector ?
    Lumatek Digital Dimmable Switchable or Powerplant Pro Grow Ballast ?
    This is my to get list so far >

    Lumatek Dimmable PowerPack 400W
    Air Cooled SuperNova Reflector
    Rhino Pro Carbon Filter
    400w Phillips Agro Lamp/bulb
    RVK 125 A1 Extractor Fan
    Reflectagrow or White Matt Paint

    Anything else?

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