In last nights State of the Union speech, president Obama, amongst other things, stated there will be a "freeze" on government spending starting in 2011 to finally start trimming deficits. The federal government will not be allowed, under any circumstances, to spend money on programs that are not security related. He claims that programs that are expensive, do not work, and a complete waste of time/money/effort will be terminated. One thing that I believe falls under these guidelines is the war on drugs. Will it be over in 2011?
This, but hopefully they will closely look at the spending on War on Drugs and realize how much money they are wasting. And if the government doesn't realize it, even though they already know, then the public will be looking more closely on government spending. I think word will get out along with the facts.
nope war on drugs will rage on it'll people realize they are being lied to about some of the drugs but we should expect pell grants and actual helpful government resources to get cut
No, drugs are still illegal and you'll go to jail for having them... I believe the War On Some Drugs' budget is not being "freezed" , it's one the cogs of the machine that must always be turning...
This is a sad reality.... As of reporting from the DEA website, 2009 had a budget of: $2,602,000,000 Dollars.... And it only seeks to gain more. The ONLY drug listed on the website that isn't bunched together is Marijuana and a whole pamphlet was created in order to spread the lies of the US most used drug. On top of that, lets see how much drugs they have acquired.. Cocain:49,823.3Kgs Heroin:598.6Kgs Meth:1,540.4kgs Marijuana: 660,969.2Kgs Forget it, the DEA is part of the Department of they won't be shut down and in fact will probably have their budget increased because they are also part of "counter-terrorism". This fucktard of an agency will make marijuanna legalization very very difficult on a national level because it is their cash crop as well...... Source:
How long did it take for them to seize those drugs? I think the amount of marijuana seized compared to everything else says a lot. I'm just glad they are going easy and not looking for the heroin, meth, and coke. Because I mean those drugs aren't habit forming or ultra destructive to your body
No. Weed probably won't even be federally decriminalized/legalized for another 10 years. Who knows how long until all drugs are...
Its a well known fact that the Cannabis prohibition has been America's most useless and wasteful policy, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what actions he takes.
I dont think pot will ever be federally legal by law...but i bet it will be legal in qutie a few states coming up...and obama pledged to obide by state laws with dea..sooo guessing less than 5 years for cali, co, oregon, and here in maine
So in comparison to how much funding the DEA gets How many $$$ worth of drugs do they seize? Some one should do the math on that and post it. I would but i'm just to god damn lazy. I bet they recieve way more funding compared to how much they bust.
I love your optimism. California and Washing are pushing for legalization. Marijuana laws have changed so much in 2009 i cant wait to see what will happen in 2010 it will be legal soon i can feel it
I believe they will finally just leave Miss Mary Jane alone in '11, but the war on actual harmful drugs like crack and heroin and all that bullshit will never be over, as it shouldn't be, and on a side note think about how long people have been saying the phrase "war on drugs" - god damn Reagan knew how to make a name stick.