Hello, I want to start a stealth grow. I guess I should tell you guys what I have to work with...pretty much what I think you guys should know. I am able to grow at my buddies house, they have to be stealthy but we have a decent amount of space of which we can use... What is the best stealth grow? I heard about someone growing it in a old computer tower or something, if someone could link me to a good stealth method that would be great. Budget wise isn't to shabby, I have money to buy the materials and I don't want to half ass anything, but I don't need the best supplies. If someone could link me or give me a complete list of materials I would need to start growing from A to Z that would be great. EVERYTHING I need...
The best stealth grow is the one that nobody notices. It's too dependent on your space and circumstances to define a single "best." A pc case will be a tiny grow, IMO not worth the effort. You should have a room, a closet or good-sized cabinet to work in. Read up in the sticky threads, grow guides, links in my sig -- you have a lot of learning to do...
Thanks, and you are right... I have a LOT of reading to do, I plan on printing all of the guides down and sitting down and reading them
I plan on also making a stealth grow as I want nobody but myself poking in and checking out the plants. Here are a couple things I had in mind. Haha i'm probably going ot be doing either the filing cabinet one or the night stand one.. cant really decide which one.