Wanting to destroy my ego...

Discussion in 'General' started by Xs-ackerX, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. So whats the best salvia extract to start with? I was thinking 5x. But I've heard that the tincture gives lighter more meditative trips which is what I would be more interested in.
  2. All I can advise is not to experiment with a new drugs with expectations like that.
  3. Yea like RastaMan said dont use salvia to try to self-medicate. Ive smoked it like 30 times or so, everything from plain leaf to 30X. Its not really meditative at all (however Ive never done tinctures), but actuallly does get you thinking a lot about your life and its meaning and stuff (this is the after effects though). For me Id usually just trip my ass off in another dimension (like a dream) for like 5 minutes (with extracts over 15 at least), then come back and see some visual hallucinations of actual things around me for another few minutes. Then I start to think a lot about my life usually, its really weird, usually its negative things too.
  4. Thanks for the advice. I'm not really going into it with that expectation, the title was mainly a joke. I do definitely want to have a thought provoking trip though. Is 5x enough to take me where I want to go? I really don't want to overdo it, but i want to have a breakthrough experience.
  5. Oh alright, personally Id say go with 10X for your first time thats a good amount to have all the thinking but not too too intense of a trip (but still a good one) or 5X would be good but I think that wouldn't really give you the thinking or trip youd like.

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