Hello, I recently decided to buy a classic valcano solid valve, but I have called a couple local head shops and it's been the same "No just silver surfers". I was wondering if anyone has purchased or knows of a head shop in Denver that carrIes volcanos, any help is appreciated.
Why don't you order one online? Vapeworld are pretty good IMO and I'm positive they are stocking Volcano.
I would rather pay cash and I don't like ordering an expensive product, its simpler to do a in person transaction.
Can I ask why you specifically want a Volcano? I've never used one personally but from what I've read you can't get higher quality vapes for half the price. If you want it for the name, well I'm sorry but that's just downright stupid.
3 year warranty, whip vapes are shit, its the top of the line vape, I found one full retail but at least I found one.