Wanted any reccomendations etc

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by djstephen, May 7, 2012.

  1. im very new to growing im growing outdoors in illinois south of chicago i have germinated and two plants have sprouted i planted them about late april these pictures are from today what do you think its been raining off and on so i haven't been watering them would fertilizer help anything you guys could tell me would be great.

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  2. better soil with more perlite
  3. NO chemical fertilizer it kills the soil micro-herd and your plants.

    topdress with Kelp meal, and redworm compost and worms. you won't regret it....

    also soak water in the kelp meal, and spray this on your plants often. it contains natural auxins, cytikinins and gibberelins, i mis-spelled all of those but they assist cell division, some good shit.
  4. If he's new organics is just going to confuse the hell out of him I do agree organics is best but I also believe its best to learn the basics before

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