Want your mind blown? Read this.

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Kushjob, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Weirdest fucking movie ever.

    It was meh for me.

    Now I wanna read that book tho.

  2. Yeah it wasn't as good as you guys hyped it up to be. But I agree the book would be great.

    I wanna watch it again, maybe I'd get into it more. But... it's so fucking long. :smoke:
  3. The movie is exactly what I believe to happen after you die. It's a movie for different folk, I loved it.
  4. seriously intense film.
    i thought the way it was filmed was pretty fucking cool.
    the way the sounds and floaty effect of the camera work make you film as your actually in the film.
    very very dark film though, really heavy stuff.
  5. On the upside it did prompt me to hop on my bicycle, ride to the library, and get the tibetan book of the dead.:smoke:
  6. Personally, I was high as fuck. And I couldnt handle it. I turned it off. Ill try again tonight however though!

  7. haha yeah i made it to scene where hes having a dmt trip, and it felt real for me. after that i was too dizzy to keep going lol
  8. damned canadian netflix :( wanted to watch it on a big screen, oh well
  9. cant wait to watch this one, got mad respect for movies that arent the norm
  10. This movie sounds super redonk. I'm gonna have to check this shit out for sure.
  11. i watched this high a fuck
    probably one of the most craziest things i have ever done in my LIFE
  12. I just finished it sober and damn..... def intense stuff. Really good camera techniques made it fell like a real trip although I almost had a seizure at one point lol. good movie

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