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Want to start smoking again, but not sure if it’s worth it

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by coleslaw29, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. #1 coleslaw29, Jul 2, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2019
    So to start, before I got this new job I was an everyday smoker for about 2 years. I stopped for a month and was clean for my pre employment drug test and I got the job and I’ve been working here for a month now and it could possibly be a career for me, but the issue I’m having is I’m not sure if the company does random tests and I’m missing the herb. The company’s rule book says nothing about random tests, it only mentions post offer pre employment (I already took) and it mentions accidents and reasonable suspicion testing, I’d never go to work blazed, just wanting to be able to toke again. It is a manufacturing job of that helps at all. It wasn’t mentioned when I was in the hiring process either, I’m just debating on whether it’s a good idea to smoke or not. Thank you for the advice and for reading!
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  2. Im 38 been in factories since 18 most i been in aint nothing but weed and drugs anyways! If rul book didnt say or they didnt tell u id say ur in the clear,,but id smoke light for awhile till u feel the place n people out. And trust me they watch n see who u talk n associate with so just remember that too,,good luck!!

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  3. I worked the home
    Depot for 3 years when I was younger.

    Once i tested the waters i was stoned everyday... Same situation you are dealing with.. I was as smart as i could
    Be though.. only way I would have been tested was an accident.. It was risky as I was a much desired forklift operator because I am quick and on point

    I only wake a baked, I did not have a desire to smoke AT work

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  4. I'd start smoking again if I was u.. every job I've ever had never drug tested unless you do some stupid shit at work.. like if you have an accident they have to test you lol

    Some jobs don't care about weed I used to smoke Js next to the mangers & they'd even joke saying "you look blazed" "you got the munchies yet u stoner" lmaoo, they didn't care because they knew I'd do my job if I was high or not :confused_2:

    Try speaking to some of your work colleagues & drop the question about drug testing that's 1 way to find out
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  5. See this is almost exactly what I thought. There’s gotta be other people that work there that smoke too. Talked to a girl in my department and she said her boyfriend worked in a different department for 9 months and never got a drug test, another buddy of mine that works there as a machinist says they do random... so now I’m confused on what to do.
  6. Usually there is documentation that will be in the ee handbook about that or new hire paperwork that goes over this issue. Once you get to know people of work, try to find a way to bring it up in casual conversation and see what others say. I see randoms done mostly with DOT-related jobs.

    Personally, I wouldn't let an employer have this much power over you doing the things that you like. So long as it doesn't affect your performance, it's your business and life. And why is it such a mystery on drug testing policies? Companies should have to be clear on what is expected.

    Also, just keep a bottle of Quick Fix handy if you have doubts. It's easy enough to stop by a 7-11 and use their microwave to warm up the bottle before going for a random test.

    These employers shouldn't be allowed to have this much control so that they can get a worker's comp insurance discount. Total BS.
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