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Want to smoke in a partial sensory deprievated environment?...Then try this.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuffaloSoljah, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. First, you have to have a car you can smoke in and a garage with no windows you can temporarily reside in. Works best at night if you have a shitty garage door.

    -Pull your said car in the garage, park, and shut the door behind you. (friendly reminder to turn the car 'off.')

    -Then eliminate the overhead garage light. Most garages ive found take about 5 minutes to turn off alone or just do it manually.

    At this point you are submerged in a lightless, noiseless, and most often soundless environment. At this point your eyes will attempt to adjust to the pitch black with no avail.

    -Smoke using a pipe versus a lit joint/blunt as it will give off constant light in the car. The pipe only admits light for a short amount of time between the lighter and the glow of the inflamed ganj.

    If you're smoking with a buddy you'll have to work out a way to pass it in the pitch black.

  2. The sensory deprevation tanks or whatever they are called look pretty cool, I really don't see why someone would wanna smoke in one though...No noise, light, sound, or anything seems like it'd really kill the high to me. Or at least make me scared of the monsters outside the car. :D

    But anyway, I may just try this to see what it's like.

  3. They allow your mind to take over and project whatever you want onto your environment, by cutting out the actual environment around you and taking psychoactive drugs, you're brain gets to shape the world around you, you can see some cool shit when sensory deprived.
  4. Cut a ping pong ball in half and tape the halves over your eyes. Play some white noise in the background. Profit.
  5. Sounds awesome, I'll have to try it...when I get a car :(
    Hotboxed in a dead lift before. Just opened the door at bottem level and sat in there pitch black toking up. Thats was pretty next :smoke:
  6. could also use a car tarp,at night, in the middle of nowhere.
  7. that sounds amazing, I wanna try this.
  8. Oh wow really? So it's kinda like your brain would be making pictures for your eyes to see and sounds for your ears to hear, but it's all just in your head? That's intense lol.

  9. Yeah the degree of how real it all feels depend on your mental state at the time. Ill be doing this with my vape when I get back to my house with a garage.

    Also awesome: Blaze in a shower in pitch black.
  10. One time I smoked a lot, probably 30-40 medium bong hits over an hour and a half period. Drank a little as well. I went into a very dark room with almost no visibility. The room started to shake, I also saw visual hallucinations. The wall started to implode and waver. Then I saw patterns in the air above me. I also thought there was a fan on the ceiling but it wasn't their. Yup :rolleyes: Fucking trippy

  11. :hello: Ha ha!
  12. I don't think I'd want to smoke in total darkness. But while high, I prefer total darkness. I'll go to my dark room (because it's nightime), lay on my bed, put on some noise isolation earphones and listen to music. Closed eye visuals begin to happen immediately. With no distractions, I can let my conscious mind chill and let the subconscious take over. The music triggers all sorts of crazy thoughts and visuals, and with certain strains, a braingasm!

  13. bahahahahahahah
  14. ha i do this everyday cuz my room has NO light at night. its crazy how trippy it is walking around when u cant see shit
  15. Sounds like a good experiment.
    Would be cool if the weed made you go blind and deaf for a couple hours... THAT would be sensory!

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