Want to slim down, tone up, or gain muscle? Ask me for advice on anything!

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by EASYlivin, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Muscle weighs more than fat, and you should see results in time. Most important steps
    1. varied & balanced diet/nutrition
    2. getting 7 or 8 hrs. of sleep (go to bed and get up same time every day) hard when you're in school
    3. workout program (consistency is key)

    supplements are the least important, are meant to supplement a healthy lifestyle- maybe that's where they get the name from!

    That being said, I have two shakes on workout days (one immediately following workout), and one on off-days, and have gained about 6 pounds already in 3ish weeks, but my consistency has been terrible,
  2. Alright, well I go to the gym 5 times a week at least. I'll probably see some pretty good results, then, by the sounds of it.
  3. How to get flat stomach?
  4. I could use your help.

    I have only lost 4 pounds this month and need to loose 10 pounds before I can have
    a medical procedure done 6 weeks from now.
    Any help is appreciated.

    I need to loose more than I'd like to say. I am a women 34 years old.
    I have been on 1400 calories per day with 100mg of protein intake both shakes and lean animal proteins. I eat 3 meals and two snacks and include small amounts of good fats like olive oil about 1tbsp per day.

    I work out 4 days per week for 30 minutes of high intensity plyometrics & hip hop dancing.
  5. I just want to be toned, maybe add a little muscle, suggestions?
  6. How can I get my boobs bigger an ass smaller? =D
  7. [quote name='"bruhlazer"']I just want to be toned, maybe add a little muscle, suggestions?[/quote]

    Keep your reps to 6-10 when you workout. Some cardio as well will help too.

    Make sure you eat decently tho
  8. yo im 5' 11, 130 lbs, pretty skinny i wanna get cut up and a little bigger but idk where to begin.. what should i do lol
  9. #249 dankydankk, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2012
    [quote name='"xoTheWeekndxo"']yo im 5' 11, 130 lbs, pretty skinny i wanna get cut up and a little bigger but idk where to begin.. what should i do lol[/quote]

    What's your current build?

    If you haven't worked out recently you should just improve fitness for a couple weeks doing the basics, (squats/sit ups/push ups/pull ups) a bit and then hit weights, if your trying to become cut I suggest a full body circuit routine . If trying to bulk do power sets on 6-8reps on individual muscles, you will have to consume more food also.

    3-4times a week should be sufficient,

    Edit: sorry missed the skinny part, I suggest power lifting then to bulk. Consume 1.1gs of protein for each pound and consume 200-400 more calories a day, try to get the extra calories from healthy foods.
    Eat small meals throughout the day instead of binges,
  10. Igght so im 21, 6'1 155 pounds. i started p90x about 3 weeks ago and its been kicking my ass. Ive been pushing hard and i have all the shit you would need. I currently dont use any powders or shakes or anything like that, ive just been drinking as much milk as possible, i eat pretty healthy by choice so my diet is not bad, but i feel its lacking.

    What type of protein should i go out and buy and what should i be eating to see the best results, is my question.

  11. A couple of things. Newbs who are bulking shouldn't be doing isolation exercises, they should be doing compound exercises. The only isolation exercises newbs should be doing are rear delt work, if they have the energy and feel they aren't overworking themselves. Compounds give newbs far greater gains than isolation exercises would. Experienced lifters on a bulk should either stick to a bulking program or do a upper/lower split twice a week.

    Also, it doesn't matter when you eat your food, as long as you make your calorie requirement for the day. If you only have time to eat three meals a day, you better make them big. If it is more easier to have smaller meals throughout the day with snacks like peanut butter, bananas, almonds, etc. thrown in there, then do that.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If not, why are you on P90X? Did you know that P90X is used to lose weight, and not bulk up? The only reason you might be seeing any gains on the weights part is because your skinny and a newb and making newb gains.

    If you are bulking up, you should look at a program like Starting Strength or allpro's which include the compound lifts: squats, deads, bench, and military press.

    As far as a diet, I see a lot of people on bb.com say that if you are really skinny and a newb just eat anything and everything you can. don't even worry too much about counting the calories (just making sure you get enough protein throughout the day). But if you want to keep it clean, boneless skinless chicken breasts, eggs, oats, whole wheat bread and pasta, peanut butter, fish, lean cuts of steak and ground beef, fruits, vegetables, specifically the dark leafy greens, SWEET POTATOES, fruit, milk, WATER, WATER, WATER. If you get bored and want to get a little dirty, poptarts are like 40g of carbs per poptart, and ice cream is a nice cheat. Fish oils are also recommended.

    I am still a newb, but I've learned A LOT reading the bodybuilding forums over the past couple of months. you should check it out.

  12. First off based on your stats I'm going to assume you are trying to get bigger and gain muscle mass, not lose weight. That being said, I definitely agree with the above poster that you should cut out the p90x and get on a more strength biased program. As he said do lots of compound movements. One he didnt mention which i think is very important is the clean and jerk.

    As for your question I would definitely go with some sort of mass gainer. I use quickmass which has PER SERVING: 60 grams of protein, 161 grams, and 1010 calories, as well as amino acids. I usually only use half servings though, unless Im lacking on calories or protein that day.

    You should be attempting to get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight a day, which can be difficult. But thats where the protein shakes help, as a supplement to what you already eat.
  13. I'm 21
    ~185 pounds
    Out of shape

    Haven't worked out in like 2–3 years. would like to slim down. I have a gut everything else is pretty good. I usually eat okay I'm not huge on junk food, but I could use some help. Can you hook me up with a diet and work out routine? I also have a gimp lower back so something to help strengthen it would be cool.

  14. It sounds like your diet is somewhat in check, just make sure you are getting enough proteins and healthy fats, cut back on bad carbs, stuff with grains like breads and pastas and stuff if you want to get rid of your gut.

    Other than that just get in the gym and start sweating, no need to get too technical with it, just listen to your body. I would definitely avoid the machines and for lifting heavy focus on compound movements, such as clean&jerk, squats, deadlifts, squat cleans, Overhead squats, snatch. etc.

    Also add some things like pullups, pushups, handstand pushups, toes to bar, wall balls, walking lunges with or without weight etc.

    There are so many excersizes you can do, but my main point is to avoid the machines, use free weights and your body weight. The only machines worth their salt I would say is a concept-2 rower machine, and a GHD situp station.
  15. I wanna know about vitamins.

    And uh, I want some kind of cardio to do inside when it's too cold go go out, and too shitty to get to the gym.

  16. what do you want to know about vitamins?

    And as for cardio stuff you can do indoors with limited equiptment. Burpees are always great, mountain climbers, buy a jump rope and do double unders.

    heres a link to some workouts you can do with limited equiptment. No Equipment, no problem: 92 Crossfit Workouts with no equipment | The Moose is Loose
  17. im trying to gain weight this offseason. ill be lifting and running. from what i read i should focus on eating carbs (pasta, ect), and meat like chicken and steak?

  18. ^ what are your current stats?

    And yeah carbs like pastas and breads will help you gain weight, but dont go overboard with them as they arent really all that healthy for you and will affect your performance.

    Me personally when I am trying to put on weight, I drink a MINIMUM of 3 protein shakes a day along with what I would normally eat. I would reccomend getting some sort of a mass gainer protein, those usually contain a lot of carbs in them as well. Make sure you try and get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight in per day, this is hard but that is where the shakes will help. All in all if you want to gain muscle you are just gonna have to eat a lot of clean food and lift heavy.

    EDIT: If you want a really good "clean" source of carbs try out sweet potatoes or yams, they taste great when cooked right and they are gonna be WAYYYY better than breads and pastas for you.
  19. I'm 5'10" and weigh 120 pounds. I'm basically skin and bones and have very little body fat. I'm looking for good workouts I can do at home to just get into shape and gain a some weight. I'm not trying to get bulk, just in shape and toned.

    Any advice and thanks!
  20. #260 Saca La, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2012
    I'm 5'8 and 195 pounds.

    I'm getting fatter since I don't do much around the winter so i want to loose this gut im growing. I started going to the gym and I run for 30 minutes on the treadmill and work on abs machines and machines that work my chest (I wanna get rid of my little man boobs !). I lift dumbbells and use the bicycle machine for about 10 minutes.

    I know I can do more but I don't know anymore exercise to do to loose my gut. Any recommendations anyone ? Advice? Also I want to fill my fridge with healthy food but I don't know what to buy. I tried to stay on a veggie diet but it got old quick. So I wanna know what other things I can buy to help loose weight. Is eating cereal with milk good to loose weight or will it make me gain? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :):)

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