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Want to move to Denver, need some guidance.

Discussion in 'General' started by GregWest, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. I'm in my early twenties, hardcore MMJ advocate but in a hardcore conservative state. The politicians here believe it will cause you to shoot up heroin in two years.

    My warehouse job just gave me the opportunity to transfer to Denver Colorado.

    Ive been wanting to move for two or three years now, planning I would never hit my mid-twenties in this never-legal state. In fact, I actually believe the longer I stay here, the quicker Ill end up in an overcrowded prison.

    I have Crohn's disease (but I support recreational, regardless I'd be moving).

    Right now the job will bring in around 2000 a month. My girlfriend is a CNA that more than likely will find another such job making around the same as I (or more). She has pretty bad anxiety and back problems (prob from her job lol). Either way, MMJ cuts out half the problems that are associated with our health issues, we smoke a LOT, but we are responsible hard working people. I like rebuilding wrecked sportbikes, she likes gardening and painting, just normal young folk in an "early" life crisis. We dont go to bars or any parties, we rip bongs everynight instead while she paints and I tinker with toys.

    We've been sitting on our money, we have a once-new 2008 car, and have 12k saved for whatever purpose. Although our laborious jobs don't pay much, we live in peace and don't spend frivolously.

    Except we have no real trades or any schooling. We knew each other in HS and kind of just moved in and started living.. ive been thinking about going to a technical institute for Electrical or Machining, but before I get into 15 grand in debt in this current state, I want to know from you guys:

    If you were in my situation, would you GTFO and leave?
    If not, what is your alternative? Are the schools there too expensive to live off my income and afford housing?
    There are 2 of us grossing 4k at the moment, but the jobs here are so-so, I know denver is a big place, job market isn't dry there is it?
    Are the neighborhoods bad in the Denver area? Which areas should I avoid? We value safety and comfort over cheapness. We've looked at apartments online, but they don't tell you jack shit and I bet most of them lie in terms of how good they actually are. Maybe someone out in Denver can give us a welcoming smoke partner when we travel west? :D (I never even seen oil up here!)
  2. I grew up twenty minutes away from Denver, moved on to Cali for college but still love the area. There is definitely opportunity for work there but like everywhere else nobody is going to be seeking YOU out.

    I think moving would be a good experience and a new change of scenery would be great. You won't regret all that Colorado has to offer, and of course don't forget that cannabis is now LEGAL there (without med cards!).

    As far as the area goes there are good places and bad places to live in and around Denver. Without bashing the surrounding areas too much I would try to avoid Five Points, East Colfax, and a good deal of Aurora.

    I'm not very familiar with any of the technical institutes in the area, so I can't speak on their behalf but I'm sure that the pricing is similar to most schools you will find.

    At any rate Denver is a very lively city, full of healthy younger with an abundance of outdoor activities, none of which are very far from the city. Don't be intimidated by the weather either. We may get the occasional heavy snow storm and cold fronts but in general it's pretty mild and sunny during the winter and hot in the summer.

    Best of luck wherever you turn up

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