Want to have your mind blown? Check this out.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Solar Being, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. As flattering as this is, I have to say chill. We're all the same.
  2. I know we are I'm just talking about the videos. Genius.
  3. #63 Solar Being, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2011
    Lol, I didn't discover them, the credit should really go to Javan. He linked one of the videos to me in another thread, and my curiosity made me watch them all. After watching them I just felt the need to divulge this information to other people.
  4. Is there a version of these videos that is narrated by someone else? I want to watch them but the idea of listening to that for a couple of hours is enough to make me consider throwing orphans into a bonfire.
  5. Ill watch this tomorrow at work. :D
  6. Well seeing as no one has yet thanked you, i thank you for posting these im not sure if i wold ever have found them. I agree with what mushroom is saying this guy makes some very interesting key points but slowly i start loosing interest when he tries to suck me in to his own version of Scientology.

    Gonna go practice meditating, Peace and Love:hello:

    (And lets try to start thinking with our right brain every now and again shall we?)
  7. I can't stress enough that it's not him making stuff up. It's really just information he's compiled from books and other resources. I've actually bought a few of them hopefully I'll get a chance to read them so I can get the full story.
  8. #68 Macnub, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2011
    Hopefully you guys can help me out or give me a few pointers;

    Last night I tried to astral project. I've meditated and tried to lucid dream before, but have never had any success. I can never keep my eyes closed. Like the first 20 minutes while I'm relaxing, it's no problem. But after a while, they just wont STAY closed. Like, every other second they'll barely open enough to where I know they're open... quite annoying really, and I always spend too much time thinking about it to fully relax.

    So, after a bit of trying to keep them closed (and putting a sock over my eyes so perhaps I could just not notice that they barely open)(anywhere from 1 to 2 hours has passed now, focusing, or trying to focus on, relaxing, btw), I just said fuck it and kept them open.
    My plan was to keep them very wide open and stare at one spot on the wall and not blink until they got too tired and hopefully wouldn't open anymore. After a while, they started to burn and water (like what happens whenever you look into a fan), and I just stuck to it and didn't move them AT ALL.
    After a while, the room went very bright, and then faded so I couldn't see anything. Not the light coming from my window, under my door, the fire alarm light, or the lines on the ceiling.

    Immediately after my vision completely faded (while eyes were still wide open), my body went very heavy and started to vibrate. This excited me, and my breathing showed it. It started slowing down and I became short breathed, and my heart started beating very fast as the only thing going through my mind was "I'm about to astral project! Hell yeah!". I got so excited that I took myself out of this state. My vision returned, my body stopped vibrating, and I felt very weak from the addrenaline rush.

    So, if any of you can give me tips on how to keep my eyes closed, or explain to me what I experienced, or give me pointers on how I can get to the next step, I would really appreciate it.

  9. Wow! You're way pass me, I have only just started meditating.

    Here's a community of people who are on the same path as you and I, you should check it out there's a lot of great stuff:

    Welcome Home all Lightworkers, Star Seeds, and Divine Multidimensional Beings. | Lightworkers.org
  10. Thanks, I'll check that out.
    I got really into lucid dreaming at one point, and I was told to just lay completely still, and try to think about the least amount of things possible, so I got kinda good at that. I would lay in bed on my back trying to ignore every want to roll over, or scratch an itch, or interrupt my breathing pattern. My eyes were the hardest part to get down though. It's a real bitch trying to not move them in the slightest way, or allow them to blink.

    I have had some nights where I was already pretty tired, so that wasn't a problem. But I always get too excited and basically just have to start over. It really sucks lol.

  11. For some reason whenever I meditate towards the end I always get this rapid eye movement much like when sleeping. I can't seem to stop it, I wish I knew I why it keeps happening.
  12. Horribly skeptical and still am.


    The mars thing, Mindgasmed
  13. just watched the first six videos this is amazing great post
  14. Stoners are obsessed with phenomenology.
  15. I learnt this today.

    O2 molecules constantly speed to 30,000 miles per hour to 0miles per hour all the time, all around you.

    Because the molecules are constantly bouncing off each other.

    Kind of a brain fuck, soundss better when I say it in person.

  16. how logical, reasonable or objective is it to dismiss all of what someone has to say because of one or two minor flaws or a slight error of presentation?

    protip: it is not.

    you want to claim to be logical or rational or whatever, at least give the material a chance and watch them. if after all that and you still don't think it's legit or whatever, that is your choice in life. chiding like you are is merely a clashing of dogmas... and that kinda thing never ends up well.
  17. #77 Solar Being, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2011
    I actually had a Lucid Dream last night, or at least for the first time was conscious of my Lucid Dream. I have always maintained a certain consciousness in my dreams, being able to wake myself up on command. But for the first time I was in complete control of my own world in my dream. Probably one of the craziest experiences to date. Absolutely crazy.

    I also just starting watching Lucidology videos today, if you're still trying to astral project/lucid dream definitely check this out:

  18. Yea I had a lucid dream while I was flying I realized I was in the dream but then I just fell to the ground and all I could do was walk around willingly
  19. I have never been in a lucid dream.

    My dreams are all weird as shit and i know they don't make sense but i always just play along involuntarily. Kinda pisses me off.
  20. I think I was close to astral projection a few times. There would be times that I was in my bed, and even though I knew my eyes were closed, it's as if I could see right through them. I wasn't even trying then

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