Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro harley, Dec 29, 2018.

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  1. $18,008,998 of $1.0B goal We have the first mile in the books..
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Only $982,000,000 to go. Keep us informed Nitro. :sneaky:

    Build that wall!
    Build that wall!
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  3. Hey good morning Mick..Thats the least I can do. I think it is still slowing down but I believe it is a go fund me record.
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  4. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  5. I donated , will volunteer to help build it , and I could care less who pays for it
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  6. Oh boy!!

    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. That's exactly what the pricks in power want. Making us poor people see each other as enemies so they can keep exploiting us. Trump manipulated you to pay him without threatening to imprison or kill you if you don't. Just like the con man he is.
    The wall is gonna be a huge waste. When has a ban ever stopped people?
    Give me your money instead . I'll book a flight to Mexico and kill them all. Without foreigners there're no illegal aliens.
    Aaron for president 2020
    Donate here:

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  8. Who the fuck would listen to anyone from germany when it comes to politics? You just mad because we made you tear yours down? LOL
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  9. Not really. I just think you should spend your money on drugs or hookers instead of funding a madman. That' wall shit is like the Prince from Nigeria scheme
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  10. Worry about yourself and your goverment turning Germany into Morocco.
    Don't like Trump how about VDH...
    Trump's Border Wall Would Save Immigrant Lives | National Review
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  11. The first mile is being built?

    $18m per mile at 1,954 miles of border, just need to raise about $34 billion more to complete it.
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  12. I guess you didn't get the memo about the mountains..We just need to wall up the gravy.
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  13. Why would we not need to build a wall there? That's where a ton of cartel and drug smuggling activity takes place. They go there, post up and watch border patrol, then act accordingly.
  14. How did we in Europe stop and turn the massive migrant crisis around? What do the borders look like, where people were flooding in? Open fields?

    Fences in Hungary? No?
    Tanks on the Austrian border?
    Massive increase in border guard all over Europe, and in the Med?
    FRONTEX, what is this, and what happened to it in 2016?
    Who pays for all of it? We do. By the billion upon billion of Euro. No choice in the matter, those resources are taken from us.

    We're very quick to mock the Americans over here, and not very good at reflecting on how we do exactly what they do, and worse.
    These are citizens, agree with them on this issue or not - who see what a facade their government is, and are tired of watching their politicians do nothing - putting their money where their mouth is. I don't think it's worthy of such arrogant mockery, and I think Trump colors a lot of it orange with his looming presence.
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  15. I believe that one of the greatest military strategies in ancient history was Hannibal crossing the Alps to invade Italy. My point is that mountains are not a barrier that can't be crossed. Neither is a stupid wall for that matter.
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  16. I've heard morroco has some good hash so I'm not worried about that
    l can't do much against my taxes getting wasted. Donating for a wall Mexico was supposed to pay seems stupid to me though.
    This project seems a lot like drug prohibition to me. Illegals are gonna get in even with 3 walls. I think it's important to make sure they are able to contribute to the country they come to instead of criminalizing them. People doing bad shit should be kicked out though regardless of where they're from
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  17. [​IMG]
  18. can't see the image.
  19. I'll try again.
  20. Mick, Just get your fellow anti wall people together and tear the fucking wall down then if its no good. I bet the politicians in Cali would rebuild it in record time.

    We need a go fund me for busing immigrants to Canada..That would be a lot cheaper than a wall, and I would approve this message. I need to send Trump a tweet with this genius idea..
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