Walking your dogs while high?

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by dr.ganja, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Anyone like to do this? When I say to my dog "gonna go for a walk?" he explodes with excitement and his tail starts wagging like crazy. I love it. So i take a few rips from my bong and get extremely high! Then i just have a super chill walk with him. playing fetch with him is awsome. He's a good friend of mine.
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  2. I love my dogs soo much. They're just like family and and make me happy every time I see them. What kind do you have?
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  3. It was my dogs' birthday today. I made them a doggy meatloaf. They had a very good bday. :D
  4. I love smoking and walking my pups at the same time. I find it funny how they are busy sniffing each other's scents, and then when I blaze my J, they usually turn to me and start sniffing my clothes. :D
  5. Germen Shepherd/Rotweiller cross. What about you?
  6. I love walking my dog high too. Especially late at night, we'll go for a nice long relaxing walk while I toke up, sometimes have my head phones in playing some good music, or just enjoy the night.
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  7. Exactly what I do.^^^^
  8. i want a dog :( cats dont walk
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  9. when I first got my cat I tried to put a leash on her and walk her.... she never got used to it no matter how hard I tried. would just roll around and freak out, or just not walk at all.
  10. dogs are awesome but so are cats. Cats are all mweoooorrrr and just don't give a good god damn.
  11. Yea I love doing that! I just go up and say "walk" and he bolts up and I start saying it over and over while getting louder and he barks and starts running around lol.
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  12. when i was in florida visiting my brother he was growing some greens. left me with an O to ky face for the two weeks i was there and every morning i would get baked and walk his dog to the store and back a few times to grab munchies and butts. good times. very relaxing shit
  13. I think dogs are a lot more in tune with humans than cats. Cats are too independent or something. lol

  14. yea you can deffinetly tell dogs are pack/social animals and cats aren't.

    The majority of dogs I've known love to please their owners, love to please people and be around them.

    My cat is pretty social, she'll follow me around, follow people around. but that's where it stops. lol
  15. i love going on high dog walks! im more of a spliff man so i roll up a fat joint and spoil my dog with big countryside walks he loves it lol
  16. Yeah I used to love to walk my dog and toke. I live close to a nature preserve that's free of people the majority of the time, so I would take my dog, weed, and pipe in there. I would toke and she would walk around and sniff stuff and roll in the dirt and do other dog things. If there were other people around, I could just slide my pipe in my pocket, and continue walking. I know sometimes people call the cops when they see teenagers in there, because everyone knows the primary reason kids go in there is to drink and smoke. However, since I have a dog, people would just walk past and our dogs would meet and greet and I'd shoot the shit with them for a little. I've blazed in this same spot for years, and have seen cops waiting at the entrances many times, usually waiting for intoxicated kids to come in/go out, who they often pull over. I've walked right past the cops with my dog, stoned as fuck, and they just waved, simply assuming I was going in there to walk my dog. It's win/win, my dog gets to go on a walk and I get to get stoned as fuck without police trouble.

    I'm in college now, far away from home. I miss my pooch and taking her on walks. I can't wait to go home.
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  17. Walks & rides ...day or night..........they get to love & enjoy all the elements of the seasons!

    heres just a couple.


    Winter is coming!:hello::cool:
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  18. Awsome dogs man, great pictures as well.
  19. Ive walked my dog high before. But I like to play with my dogs when I'm high. I have 3 dogs. One is blind & deaf & pisses herself and also 17 years old, the other is 15 years old and sleeps the majority of the day. And then there's Toby (dog in my avatar) and he just follows me around lol
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  20. one of my favorite things to do is go to these woods by my house. put in the headphones, toke, and let my dog walk with out a leash by my side. no more thinkings, just walk.its aweeesome

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