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Walk when high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AmericanGreen, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Yesterday I walked to the park after smoking a bowl
    It was pretty amazing
    Should I do it again?
    Tad more risky but it is awesome
  2. How is it risky I walk MILES high no pun intended
  3. If im smoking indica, you wont find me walking around but after smoking a nice sativia I love to go on moutain bike rides down these trails by my house. Super fun.
  4. during december, go out and take a nice 30 walk around your area and look at the christmas light, they are amazing, like each house has its own little amusment park....just dont try and go on the rides lol
  5. ik man pretty risky. to dangerous for me id just stay in side and smoke the bong
  6. smoke. put your shit away. then walk. no risk.
  7. I think taking walks in the spring/summer & even fall seasons is really fucking awesome, but in the end of January, I stay the fuck inside.
  8. not sketch at all dude. i go for hikes all the time it feels amazing especially with nice weather
  9. Really cold winters have me staying inside unfortunately. Occasionally, I'll walk to my friend's place, which is 20 minutes away in this weather. In these cases, I bundle the fuck up.
  10. what's the risk i take my dog for a walk high all the time i just smoke sativa first and i make sure i am not super high

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