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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Walter White, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I started smoking a couple of months ago and I've only been high twice, the first time being very unpleasant. I really need a job and I'm thinking about applying to work in the photo lab at Walgreens. I didn't think about how they will probably require employees to pass a drug test until now and that really screws things up because I want to keep smoking so that I can understand weed but I'm also completely broke. Should they only require me to pass a drug test once before they hire me or could it be a monthly thing? Will they just tell me to go in the bathroom at Walgreens or will I have to go to some place official? Also, how long should I wait after the last time smoking to take a drug test and feel confident about passing.
  2. well if it makes you feel any better the last time i smoked was 1-18-10 and i have a drug test this weekend and I feel confident.. I've just been drinking cranberry juice and taking some niacin pills to flush it out of my system but don't overload on that cuz if you go to an official drug testing place it'll show and they'll assume you were trying to flush out your system.. idk if that second part is true or not it's just what i've heard haha:hello:
  3. Get the job. Get money. Then smoke weed.
  4. This is making me think we should have a sticky of what companies test and how often.
  5. One of the best ideas I have heard in a while!
  6. Drug testing is done by the owners or managers request. Lots of places require a drug test to apply, but very few actually keep testing their employees. This is because places with good workers wont need to drug test because they are already functioning well, and it risks losing one of their good workers if they managed to test positive.

  7. exactly. Thats why it would be nice to keep a log of peoples experience with different companies in different areas.
  8. Yeah, like have a cities section in alphabetical order, then the stores in alphabetical order
  9. This is seriously a good idea, and I would be willing to contribute as much as possible
  10. just get the job, then smoke once you have their system figured out. randoms can be tough, i'd say just have a "i don't care attitude." Because if you get fired then you'll have to get a new job, being mad won't help that.
  11. lower use users are clean sooner, High use users are clean in a month. and wa;greens isnt gonna test beyond one time.
  12. lay off the weed until they test you and smoke after they test you.

  13. ive been thinking it would be good to have regional sections anyway. It seems like the only way we are going to legalize is on the local level, it would be much easier for us to organize if we had sections for each state or region. We could have job threads, headshop reviews, smoking spot reviews, local cannabis news, etc. I was thinking maybe we could have a North West/BC section, states with large user populations like calli can have their own. In other forums im in, regional sections rock, we can have meet ups, people considering a move to the area can ask questions, and it really builds comradery and community. I know im just a noob but id like to help the mods set this up in any way possible.
  14. #14 firephotoman, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I work at CVS and at CVS you don't have to take a drug test to get hired as just a cashier, only if you're applying for a job as supervisor or above; I don't know if Walgreens is the same though. If not, check into a local CVS, if there's none around, I also know for a fact that 7/11 does not test any employees (even managers)

    And about the idea being discussed at the same time: I think it would be a great idea to have a forum for ever state, but I think if you get down to regions, or cities, the forums will become too sparse to be useful or fun. The good part of broad forum regions: lots of people in one spot = more conversation.
  15. Could I buy a personal drug test to use at home to see if I could pass the Walgreens drug test before I apply? If so, wheres the best place to buy one and how much would this cost?
  16. Definitely. You can get one at... CVS... or walgreens... or Rite Aid... It's going to be a little more than $10 for 1 MJ test.
  17. If your worried about passing just stop for a few weeks so you know your clean and then apply. If you already have the job i doubt they are going to keep testing you. Testing costs money and unless your showing up stoned they probably wont ber on your case about it.
  18. I'm going to stop now, I'm just trying to figure out how long I should wait until I should be able to pass. It shouldn't be too long because I've smoked about 5 times total with barely any weed each time and only two of those times was I able to feel high at all.
  19. Yeah, uh drink cranberry juice on the day of your test. But i dont even think they are gonna test you. I got a job at a stop and shop and i have never been tested.

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