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Waking up high without weed!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dimmu_bongir, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. Im pretty much a daily weed smoker, yet I havent smoked for about 4 days, and as soon as I get up in the morning, I feel high... like big time, for a good 15 minutes. Anyone else get this, or anyone know why?
  2. It's most likely not anything Cannabis-related except for the fact that when you feel disorientated or hazy, you associate that with Cannabis use, which is the most likely answer. Hope that helps Sir.
  3. I guess if I smoked a whole lot the night before. But its likely just the feeling of my lower iq giving me the haze. -- nothing like a morning bowl. :)
  4. thats weird, after i smoke alot in one night i ussually end up with a little buz in the morning
  5. After a long day of all-day of smoking, I usually feel really really tired when I wake up strangely...

    However, sadly, I confess, on any other day, I've never felt "high". After a night of intense smoking I do sometimes feel a bit buzzed, but it never lasts long.
  6. hmm.. I really dont think that its just because Im tired and disoriented... I mean, it could be... but it really feels just like being high, kinda. and Ive never felt anything like this in mornings before... so I dunno... Im guess Im just messed up. hahaha
  7. Hey man it's just because you are not smoking that weed....if you smoke the right stuff then you get a really good feeling when you don't smoke it for 4 days coz you can do stuff and then you wanna smoke....coz you're a smoker....this is called day dreaming about your chosen handle on life.....namely just wanna get what you got done so you can advice is too smoke a nice joint just about an hour before bed and then plan and do all the stuff you feel like in the morning...coz you certainly won't be able to do it at night if you got the good it depends on whether you think there is any point in doing anything else as most pot smokers I know don't really and this is because if you want your kids to enjoy life...which I don't know anyone, who is happy who doesn't want kids......then they will need somewhere to live and we ain't got another planet yet.....oh there's Mars, but as President Bush Snr said"Lets go to Mars...." then he was told by a little scientist friend that it would cost a few billion dollars to set up that kind of mission and the whole crew would die on landing......!
    Toke away be happy and try to pull a decent crop of nicely priced weed out of your darkest (soon to be lightest and buzzing) orifices of your 'masion de choisie' for the rest of us who are waiting for you to come back down to Earth!
  8. I know ive felt high in the morning after smoking soon before ive gone to sleep. It feels quite nice actually, its more of a mellow buzz circulating your body, but its still definitely different than being sober.

    Plus if you dont drink coffee much, try having a cup of strong coffee some time after smoking, you can feel a nice caffeine hit.

    Same with adrenalin, any sort of situation the builds up your adrenlin can sometimes increase your high. I remember after being confronted by some gang of boys, (luckily escaped being hurt after they tried mugging me) my adrenaline was way up, and i was sitting on the train feeling some insane buzz through my body.
  9. i don't know what your tolerance level is, but i know that back when i only smoked 3-4 times a year, for a week or so after each time i smoked, i would feel high every time my heart rate elevated. like, i would be speed walking down the street, and i would feel fine on the corner of 5th street, then walk the next block completely zoned out, and reach the corner of 4th street realizing that i didn't remember a thing about that block of walking. i often felt like my head was disconnected from my body, and my short term memory sucked. it really doesn't make sense to me, so i understand why no one ever believed me, but i swear it was like adrenaline activated week-old thc in my still happens to me every once in a while, and i still can't explain it.
  10. ya i have these crazy dreams and some time when i haven't smoked for weeks even months i wake up high. hell i kinda like it
  11. i know what you mean when you say that
    sometimes when i dont smoke for a few days i'll get a natural high
    i think it has something to do with the tar in the lungs getting cleaned, or thc that has been stored in your fat being released or something
  12. maybe your just really tired.......
  13. Man I havent posted here in like forever...
    Anyways happens to me all the time and I think its just your body feeling the lack of chemicals that it released to make you high. Something on that level.
  14. ya sometimes just outta the middle of nowhere i get this weird body buzz, high, type feeling. I normally just try to sit still and keep it as long as i can. lol. Ive talked to friends about this and they say it happens to them sometimes too.
  15. wow i'v had something weird like that lately too, alot of times when i stand up i'll get really light headed and dizzy and almost black out, i'll stumble around. ONCE i fell down from it but i didnt pass out, things got pretty dark tho.
  16. Yeah, this happens to me too. My theory is that your increased heart rate is pumping your blood (and thus also the THC in it) faster, and it gets the THC circulating through your brain and stuff.
  17. i fell asleep after smoking all day and I just woke up and im having a mellow high...its wierd
  18. well, you were experiencing a high that mourning because. our bodies do produce canabanoids often and we can experience natural highs going from 5min to 30mins. i do believe if you google it you will find more on the subject. but for those of you saying he's lieing. he is not :p he was just high
  19. Are you guys talking about endorphins? Natural shit produced by the brain to feel make you feel good.

  20. If I've been smoking heavily the night before, or even a hit befor bed I will wake up feeling a bit high, but in a blissfully lethargic kind of way(provided little to no alcohol was consumed with the weed). I cannot say the same of alcohol which after a night of moderate to heavy drinking, which gives me headaches or worst case hangovers. The beauty of Mary Jane is that it gives no hangovers, worst case you're a little high the next day, which is intensified into a heady caffeine hit(or hippie speedball) when you hit the tea or coffee(in sufficient amounts) the morning after. But My feeling is that when you sleep hormones released(oxytocin for example) may form a synergy with the THC taking the buzz to the next level in your sleep, then you'll wake up with a usual morning haze, but still experirncing the tapering off euphoria from the THC, but I could be wrong.

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