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Waking up BAKED!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Herbal_Essences, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I spent last night blazing with a friend, had about 5 or 6 joints I can't really remember but I believe I got the most high I've ever been! I've been blazing for about 8-10 months now, Ive always smoked mids-high mids and somtimes getting some dank. Well last night we had some dank so im thinking thats why I got so damn blazed.

    Anyway, I was woken up at 9am this morning by my alarm to find I was actually still pretty blitzed. My reaction times were extremely slow, it took me atleast 20 seconds of staring at my alarm before I realised I should turn the thing off.

    I was walking around my house, making tea and food at my own leisure, browsing the net etc for a good 45 minutes until I realised the alarm I set was actually sposed to wake me up for college!

    I figured I was much too high for college, so I decided to skip first period because my student manager is strongly against drug use and I'd be in deep shit if he thought I was high in my lessons. Luckily I have a 1:30min break after first period so my next lesson isn't for a while.

    I've just about sobered up now so I thought I'd make a thread before I get in the shower. Has anyone else had an experience like this? Waking up still high from the night before or waking up feeling very slow and forgetful like I did?

    :D peace out
  2. Hey buddy, good to see some UK stoners on the forum, keep it up :)

    I wish I could say I have woken up blitzed, but can't say I have :( The only time that it's kinda happened to me is if i've smoked a few bowls, taken like a 30min nap and woken up still high.
  3. I don't feel "high" when I wake up but I can feel it in my eyes if that makes sense. You'll probably be ready to go after a shower it'll wake you up.
  4. i love setting an alarm for like 4am and smoking like 3-4 bowls and going back to bed. wake up at 7 baked.
  5. Well, sleep is probably the best high killer, so you must have been pretty baked to sleep for an entire night and wake up baked. But yea, Ive had similar experiences where I've woken up a little slower then usual, like last night I blazed a few bowls to help me sleep and when I woke I found my alarm clock pretty hard to turn off :p, I pushed pretty much every button then just unplugged it. Lmfao, I love weed :)
  6. Yeh after an evening's smokeup when I wake up the next day i usually wake up with a funny taste in my mouth and heavy eyes but after a shower,ciggeretee and a coffee im back to normal :)
  7. yeah, I find I peak and get a cerebral high for a good few hours, then later on I'll get the couchlock stoned for a while.

    I have woken up properly high a couple of times, and super slow sleepy stoned many more.
    I think around the 4:20 mark is actually a good time to smoke up, because you're not spending stoned time sleeping.
  8. you lucky bastard.. i ran outa herb 2 days ago, spent last night up on speed... i need to get rid of them bitches or jus throw em out.... speed kills man... speed kills
  9. Sounds like your burnt out.
  10. sometimes if i'm up really late smoking a lot i'll wake up feeling really dazed and slow. but it usually goes away after a couple hours or a cup of coffee.
  11. Yeah, I have taken naps high and woke up still high...

    It's usually scary for a couple seconds until I remember what time it is and why I'm still high.
  12. Yeah, I have.

    I've woken up baked and drunk at the same time, covered in vomit from overdrinking the night before (mind you I got like 3 hours of sleep)

    Only I wasn't so lucky as to get to just sit around... I had to drive to Indianapolis from Chicago by 5:00 p.m. local time and it was 12:00 in Chicago, meaning 1:00 Indianapolis
  13. i'm a relative noob to smoking, but i had my first experience with this the other day. smoked ONE HIT of white rhino at 3:30 in the afternoon last saturday.... woke up buzzed still sunday morning. ONE HIT!

    that was some good shit!

  14. you have no tolerance my friend. i am very jealous
  15. right, i don't. actually, i don't even want to build up tolerance. right. right?
  16. did you just call one of your college courses 1st period?

    i believe i have had this happen to me a couple times but i cant remember! lol

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