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Waking Life = Great fucking movie

Discussion in 'Movies' started by SMOCATRON, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. #1 SMOCATRON, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2014
    Watch this while ripped out of your mind. You will die. It's a very good movie.

  2. Yeah Waking Life is in my top ten. Its the perfect movie for smoking because the scenes and ideas are as all over the place as the attention spans of super stoned individuals. All though they all do sort of fit into some collective theory of dreaming, and what it means to dream.
  3. What's your favourite Ozric song?
    Mine's "The Space Between Your Ears" from Strangitude.
  4. Looks like an interesting movie. I'll havde to check it out. Thanks.
  5. #5 Dryice, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
    Waking Life was a little too disorienting for me. A Scanner Darkly is fucking amazing though (and so is the book).
  6. Probably Meander from Curious Corn.

    But close seconds are Eternal Wheel and White Rhino Tea
  7. Waking Life is an amazing movie. First time I saw it I was feeling "strange" if you know what I mean.
  8. Is this by Richard Linklater? If this is the movie I'm thinking of I have heard that it's amazing.
  9. Yessir. It is.
  10. I love the visuals and conversations in this movie.
    I wish more of society were like the people in this movie.

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