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Wake-N-Bakes' PA Pickups

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by MrWakenBaken717, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Sup blades? I have a lot of high res pics of all my old batches, so Ima gonna post em up.

    1st up....Headband

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  2. Next....Jacks Cleaner

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  3. some "Fruity Pebbles" but I doubt thats the actual name, this was dank though

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  4. another batch of the Headband...

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  5. some good ol Sour Diesel...

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  6. and some "Blueberry"...

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  7. the headband, and the sour are my two favorite tasting weed Ive ever smoked
  8. thats last pic of sour d is the batch Im currently on...
  9. That fruity pebbles look amazing!

  10. yeah that taste is great too...didnt have alot of it though, so I dont have any long-term stats on it
  11. What's your area code man? Wish we got shit like that in the 570, been reppin some Blue Cheese and Mr. Nice Guy lately, but damn that shit looks phenomenal!:eek:
  12. haha 717 is dry as shit in PA, hook me up. I'd love to get my hands on some Sour D again.

  13. bruh I reside in 717 and I ALWAYS find dank shit...I just copped some more of the Headband which is goin around right just dont know fam...theres SUPER dank bud out here, you just gotta find it
  14. if you click the pics you can get a higher resolution...check em out up close
  15. Blue cheese and mr. nice guy? umm.. do we know eachother? haha Those have been the past 2 strains my dude has had.
  16. Im jealous of the SourD and Headband
  17. Jet Life where havent we been yeaa hah fresh headband how much that shit cost?
  18. SLH super lemon haze
  19. wheres pa @
  20. I wish some of that leaked over into NJ lol

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