
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by carress, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Is she ready to harvest ?

    Attached Files:

  2. You need to review the trichomes on the actual bud, not on the sugar leaves.

  3. Thats the best i could do.

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  4. #4 Mahmo, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
    There are many master growers out there that have debunked this theory. I have to agreee.

    By Cannetix:
    Don't listen to what seed manufacturers recommend, always go by the individual plant and its maturity. Cannabis is considered fully mature when approximately 75% of the pistils and trichomes develop and orange/amber color. Some people say that harvesting earlier leads to higher THC levels and a more "heady" high but this is actually false. Clear & cloudy trichomes are high in Cannabigerolic Acid, also known as CBGA. As ripening progresses, CBGA is converted by enzymes into THCA and CBDA. Harvesting prematurely stops this enzymatic activity and makes the resulting product higher in CBGA than THCA and CBDA. When these compounds are exposed to heat, UV light, and oxygen they undergo a process called decarboxylation into their corresponding Cannabinoids (CBGA -> CBG, THCA -> THC, CBDA -> CBD and so on). Both CBG and CBD are non-psychoactive cannabinoids that do not cause any high or sedation. Despite the common myth, the sedative effects of Cannabis are not thought to be caused by CBD, CBA, CBG or any other cannabinoid but rather are likely the result of high Myrcene content. Myrcene is an "essential oil" found in Cannabis as well as Hops, and it is known to have sedative effects. Myrcene is found in higher concentrations in C. Indica varieties known for their more narcotic effects compared to C. Sativa varieties which are lower in Myrcene. Don't get me wrong, if for whatever reason you personally prefer the effects of premature Cannabis, go for it, but the claim that it is higher in THC is absolutely not true. While CBG and CBGA are non-psychoactive they are known to have potential medical benefits like most other Cannabinoids, so there's no harm done!
  5. How long has she been in flower? Looks like she has quite a ways to go. Most plants will put on the majority of their weight in their last 2-3 weeks. Cut early....you'll loose a lot of weight and will be smoking pot with less punch.

    If it says 8 weeks.....it'll probably take 10 to be truly finished. If yer under CFL/etc...it may take even longer.
  6. Its outdoors, but its in week 7, the19th will be 8 weeks.
  7. Finally finished,, experienced some bud rot , lost half my plant but , just started curing today, ,,,but man,,,this shit taste good, and has a powerful high already,,can't wait till cure is done, about a month, but this is my best harvest yet in terms of taste and quality, thanks guys for all your tips , next year will be a blast.

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